On 2018-11-30 4:57 p.m., Daniel Stone wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Nov 2018 at 17:23, Dylan Baker <dy...@pnwbakers.com> wrote:
>> Personally speaking, I think that better next steps for gitlab integration 
>> are:
>> - migrate from bugzilla to gitlab issues
> This is currently held up by a mutual death grip: both AMD and Intel
> want to be able to move or reassign issues between kernel / Mesa / X11
> within Bugzilla, so have requested that nothing moves until everything
> moves. I don't know whether that has to be one big flag day or whether
> the driver teams would find it acceptable for all three components to
> have a documented plan with a timeline on it. Intel also have some
> pretty heavy scripting and tooling around Bugzilla which would need to
> be modified to track GitLab instead.
> From an infrastructure point of view though, Bugzilla is getting less
> and less acceptable to run as a service.

Well, getting rid of Bugzilla entirely requires migrating all remaining
bugs somewhere else anyway. :) As long as kernel / Mesa /
xf86-video-amdgpu/ati bugs are all migrated to GitLab issues, that
should be fine from an AMD perspective FWIW.

Earthling Michel Dänzer               |               http://www.amd.com
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