Ilia Mirkin <> writes:

> Are you sure? It works fine for me... I'm not against fixing it to be
> "t", but the current contents definitely worked fine for me. (As I
> recall, I may be the one who checked this file in.)

Yes, I’m sure. If you type “true” and then do C-x C-e to evaluate it
then Emacs gives a void-variable error. If I leave it as “true” in the
file then it does indeed indent without tabs. Also if I do C-h v it says
the value is nil, whereas if I change the .dir-local.el to “t” then the
indentation works properly and the variable help says its value comes
from the .dir-locals.el. I wonder if you have something else in your
setup that is setting it?

I notice that there are some other files with the same problem. It might
be worth fixing them all in one patch.

$ git grep 'indent-tabs-mode *\. *true'
src/gallium/drivers/freedreno/.dir-locals.el:  (indent-tabs-mode . true)
src/gallium/drivers/r600/.dir-locals.el:  (indent-tabs-mode . true)
src/gallium/drivers/radeon/.dir-locals.el:  (indent-tabs-mode . true)
src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/.dir-locals.el:  (indent-tabs-mode . true)
src/mesa/drivers/dri/nouveau/.dir-locals.el:  (indent-tabs-mode . true)

- Neil
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