Well that's the complete wrong place for that.

The stride of the surface is determined by addrlib. That one should handle 
aligning the parameters.


Am 02.10.2018 20:38 schrieb "Sharma, Deepak" <deepak.sha...@amd.com>:
Christian, the issue which trying to address here is vlvaGetImage doesn’t use 
passed to function. box.width is calculated from surface and that will end up 
in wrong stride for dst buffer
for said resolution. So was thinking to use aligned width/height for 
vaCreateImage as well as surface.
But as you said that depends on codec , So I think either we can use 
width/height aligned based on codec
or use passed width/height in vlvaGetImage to fix this issue.


-----Original Message-----
From: Christian König <ckoenig.leichtzumer...@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2018 3:42 AM
To: Sharma, Deepak <deepak.sha...@amd.com>; mesa-dev@lists.freedesktop.org
Cc: Guttula, Suresh <suresh.gutt...@amd.com>
Subject: Re: [Mesa-dev] [PATCH] st/va:Aligned image width and height to 16.

Am 02.10.2018 um 03:47 schrieb Sharma, Deepak:
> From: suresh guttula <suresh.gutt...@amd.com>
> In case of decoding of resolution like 40x24, while allocating surface
> video buffer is always aligned with macroblock width/height which is 16.
> But when application tries to get data after decoding through
> vaCreateImage /vaGetImage, image width/height aligned with 2 and
> result a smaller image buffer which causes the memory stomping issue.

Well NAK. It depends on the codec if the picture needs to be aligned to
16 or not.

For example VC-1 would created decoding errors with that.


> Signed-off-by: suresh guttula <suresh.gutt...@amd.com>
> ---
>   src/gallium/state_trackers/va/image.c | 4 ++--
>   1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/src/gallium/state_trackers/va/image.c
> b/src/gallium/state_trackers/va/image.c
> index 3f892c9..2fc47b7 100644
> --- a/src/gallium/state_trackers/va/image.c
> +++ b/src/gallium/state_trackers/va/image.c
> @@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ vlVaCreateImage(VADriverContextP ctx, VAImageFormat 
> *format, int width, int heig
>      img->format = *format;
>      img->width = width;
>      img->height = height;
> -   w = align(width, 2);
> -   h = align(height, 2);
> +   w = align(width, 16);
> +   h = align(height, 16);
>      switch (format->fourcc) {
>      case VA_FOURCC('N','V','1','2'):

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