On 18 September 2018 at 15:43, Kai Wasserbäch
<k...@dev.carbon-project.org> wrote:
> Hey,
> Dylan Baker wrote on 9/17/18 6:44 PM:
>> I feel like for !windows meson is in good enough shape at this point that we
>> can start having the discussion about deleting the autotools build. So, is 
>> there
>> anything left that autotools can do that meson cannot (that we actually want 
>> to
>> implement)? And, what is a reasonable time-table to remove the autotools 
>> build?
>> I think we could reasonably remove it as soon as 18.3 if others felt 
>> confident
>> that it would work for them.
> How do I set a specific llvm-config name to look for? I have build 
> environments
> with multiple LLVM versions (eg. 6, 7 and 8) installed in parallel. So far I
> could convince each build system with LLVM_CONFIG or similar means to choose a
> particular llvm-config-${LLVM_VERSION], meson can't do that AFAICT.
> Eric pointed me to an ugly hack on IRC, which involves symlinking the 
> particular
> llvm-config-${VERSION} to llvm-config in $PATH
> (<https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/commit/b5b912dfeebabafbaff176fe4205eb74607f709b>).
> But I think this should be fixed properly before making meson mandatory. Other
> modern build systems like CMake react to something like -DLLVM_DIR during
> configure (see
> <https://llvm.org/docs/CMake.html#embedding-llvm-in-your-project>) and Mesa's
> stable build systems use LLVM_CONFIG, if set.
Dylan, please CC/point us to the cleaner llvm-config solution once
you've got the chance.
I've nuked a ton of LLVM hacks recently (locally) and having LLVM
almost hack-free would be amazing.

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