On 09/18/2018 10:38 AM, Dylan Baker wrote:
> Quoting Eric Engestrom (2018-09-18 09:59:22)
>> On Tuesday, 2018-09-18 09:35:20 -0700, Dylan Baker wrote:
>>> Quoting Eric Engestrom (2018-09-18 09:00:49)
>>>> On Tuesday, 2018-09-18 08:24:52 -0700, Dylan Baker wrote:
>>>>> Quoting Kenneth Graunke (2018-09-18 01:40:48)
>>>>>> On Monday, September 17, 2018 3:24:56 PM PDT Dylan Baker wrote:
>>>>>>> Quoting Marek Ol\u0161ák (2018-09-17 15:14:11)
>>>>>>>> How do I build 32-bit Mesa with meson?
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Marek
>>>>>>> Some people get away with just adding CFLAGs=-m32, but using a cross 
>>>>>>> file and
>>>>>>> doing a cross build is a better way, and is basically required if you 
>>>>>>> want llvm.
>>>>>>> Here's mine: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/snippets/504
>>>>>>> Dylan
>>>>>> I've attached mine, I then do:
>>>>>> meson --cross-file=/home/kwg/.local/meson-32-cross --buildtype=release 
>>>>>> --prefix=/home/kwg/Projects/mesa/build/32/install -Ddri-drivers=i965 
>>>>>> -Dvulkan-drivers=intel -Dgallium-drivers= -Db_ndebug=true -Dglvnd=true 
>>>>>> build/32
>>>>>> Other than the addition of --cross-file, it's just like any other build.
>>>>> If you put your cross file in ~/.local/share/meson/cross then you could 
>>>>> just do
>>>>> meson --cross-file=meson-32-cross --buildtype=release 
>>>>> --prefix=$PWD/build/32/install -Ddri-drivers=i965 -Dvulkan-drivers=intel 
>>>>> -Dgallium-drivers= -Db_ndebug=true -Dglvnd=true build/32
>>>>> I think Eric Engstrom also landed is if-debug patches, so ndebug is by 
>>>>> default
>>>>> only enabled for debug and debugoptimized builds now. I think.
>>>> Other way around: b_ndebug is false by default and can be manually set
>>>> to true, or to if-release in which case it is true if buildtype=release,
>>>> but still false for debugoptimised, debug, minsize and plain unless
>>>> specified.
>>> ndebug makes my head hurt. I really wish that meson would have called the 
>>> option
>>> "b_assert" so it could be true for asserts on and false for asserts off. You
>>> know what, I'm going to go propose that right now.
>> I know, and I kind of agree, but it's not gonna fly, because what meson
>> controls with this option is NDEBUG which is a (de facto?) standard, and
>> that flag can control more than just asserts.
> In C/C++ that's true. What about in Rust and D (for example)? It really feels
> like carrying legacy cruft around.

You're working on this project and complaining about cruft?  Lol

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