
On Mon, 2018-09-17 at 09:44 -0700, Dylan Baker wrote:
> I feel like for !windows meson is in good enough shape at this point that we
> can start having the discussion about deleting the autotools build. So, is 
> there
> anything left that autotools can do that meson cannot (that we actually want 
> to
> implement)? And, what is a reasonable time-table to remove the autotools 
> build?
> I think we could reasonably remove it as soon as 18.3 if others felt confident
> that it would work for them.

in my experience dealing with meson is a massive PITA. maybe I'm just
not familiar with the meson way of doing things. Here are the issues
I'm running into:

1.) Have the setup of building multiple instances of mesa against
different llvm versions been addressed? I'm building mesa with llvm
6/7/git using the same source, will the llvm-config location be
remembered during reconfigure? ([0] has been open without any activity
for 9 months)

2.) Is there a way to upgrade meson without having to manually
regenerate build directories of every meson project? This clashes with
automated git update/rebuild scripts and forces me to have a separate
recreate/reconfigure shell script for every meson project.

3.) Has cross-compile pkg-config issue been fixed? Last time I checked
cross file needed both "pkgconfig" and "pkg-config" variables set,
otherwise it'd either complain or not find the corresponding pkgconfig



> Dylan
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