On Sat, Sep 15, 2018 at 11:19 AM Alejandro Piñeiro <apinhe...@igalia.com>

> Hi,
> this series adds the support for UBO and SSBO. The following patches
> can be classified as:
>  * Patches 1-8: changes on spirv to nir to take into account ubo and
>    ssbo, so it would be compatible to what OpenGL expects (like having
>    a interface_type, the correct mode, etc).
>  * Patch 09: some nir wrappers over glsl_types methods to be used
>    later on the ARB_gl_spirv nir linker.
>  * Patches 10-13: adding the explicit matrix stride, and the explicit
>    array stride on glsl_types, their nir C-wrappers, and the proper
>    filling up on the spirv to nir pass. This is needed because on
>    ARB_gl_spirv the layouts are gone, and are mapped with explicits
>    offsets/array strides/matrix strides. Spec quotes on their
>    patches. The array stride patch was somewhat more intrusive that
>    what I liked, but it was the best option we found.

I'm very confused as to why all this is needed.  We already have that
information in vtn_type and not putting it in the glsl_type means that we
get type equality when two types have the same basic structure even if it's
not the same memory layout.  Does ARB_gl_spirv need it in NIR for
introspection or linking or something?  I thought the introspection was all
gone.  It certainly doesn't need it to compute offsets because we're
already doing that in spirv_to_nir.  What's so different about the way GL
uses SPIR-V?


>  * Patch 14: is_in_ubo/is_in_ssbo/is_in_block helpers on nir.h,
>    equivalent to the already existing at ir.h
>  * Patches 15-16: lowering of vulkan_resource_index. Right now the nir
>    shader from spirv to nir includes this intrinsic. We found more
>    easy to lower it to something that OpenGL could understand, instead
>    of change spirv to nir to return one intrinsic or the other,
>    depending if you are on vulkan or opengl.
>  * Patch 17: add the code to link blocks on the ARB_gl_spirv
>    codepath. This became a kind of uber patch, but we found more
>    natural to keep in one commit, instead of split it. We are open to
>    suggestions.
>  * Patches 18-22: updates on the uniform linking, now that ubo/ssbos
>    are supported.
>  * Patch 23: add uniform blocks to the resource list.
>  * Patches 24-25: call to the ARB_gl_spirv ubo/ssbo linking method on
>    the i965 driver, plus a nitpicky clean-up.
>  * Patch 26: add some name NULL checks when querying
>    NUM_ACTIVE_VARIABLES. We added several of such queries on our
>    tests, so it is somewhat unrelated nice to have.
> The tree for this series can be found on the following repository:
>    https://github.com/Igalia/mesa/tree/arb_gl_spirv-series6-ubo-ssbo-v1
> And can be tested with the following piglit branch:
>    https://github.com/Igalia/piglit/tree/arb_gl_spirv-series5-ubo-ssbo-v1
> Alejandro Piñeiro (22):
>   spirv/nir: translate uniform blocks
>   spirv/nir: translate ssbo
>   spirv/nir: setting interface type for ubos/ssbos
>   spirv/nir: fill up nir variable info for ubos and ssbo
>   spirv/nir: include SPIR-V explicit offset on the glsl struct type
>   spirv/nir: include row major coming from SPIR-V on the glsl type
>   spirv/nir: don't set interface_type if it is not a struct
>   nir/types: add three new wrapper helpers
>   glsl_types/nir: add matrix_stride plus nir wrapper helpers
>   spirv/nir: fill glsl_struct_field explicit_matrix_stride
>   glsl_types/nir: add explicit_array_stride plus nir wrapper helpers
>   spirv/nir: fill glsl_type array stride
>   nir: add is_in_ubo/ssbo/block helpers
>   nir/linker: add gl_nir_link_uniform_blocks.c
>   nir/linker: fill is_shader_storage for uniforms
>   nir/linker: use only the array element type for array of ssbo/ubo
>   nir/linker: fill up uniform_storage with explicit data
>   nir/linker: update already processed uniforms search for UBOs/SSBOs
>   nir/linker: add program ubo/ssbo at the resource list
>   i965: use GLboolean for all brw_link_shader returns
>   i965: call to gl_nir_link_uniform_blocks
>   mesa: add NULL name check for NUM_ACTIVE_VARIABLES query
> Antia Puentes (1):
>   nir/linker: Set the uniform's block_index
> Neil Roberts (3):
>   spirv/nir: Handle location decorations on block interface members
>   nir/linker/i965: Lower vulkan_resource_index during linking
>   nir/linker: handle non-ubo uses of vulkan_resource_index
>  src/compiler/Makefile.sources                      |   2 +
>  src/compiler/glsl/gl_nir.h                         |   4 +
>  src/compiler/glsl/gl_nir_link_uniform_blocks.c     | 713
> +++++++++++++++++++++
>  src/compiler/glsl/gl_nir_link_uniforms.c           | 160 ++++-
>  src/compiler/glsl/gl_nir_linker.c                  |  14 +
>  src/compiler/glsl/gl_nir_linker.h                  |   3 +
>  src/compiler/glsl/gl_nir_lower_samplers_as_deref.c |   2 +-
>  .../glsl/gl_nir_lower_vulkan_resource_index.c      | 163 +++++
>  src/compiler/glsl/meson.build                      |   2 +
>  src/compiler/glsl_types.cpp                        |  31 +-
>  src/compiler/glsl_types.h                          |  23 +-
>  src/compiler/nir/nir.h                             |  22 +
>  src/compiler/nir/nir_lower_io_arrays_to_elements.c |   3 +-
>  src/compiler/nir/nir_split_per_member_structs.c    |   3 +-
>  src/compiler/nir/nir_split_vars.c                  |   3 +-
>  src/compiler/nir_types.cpp                         |  47 +-
>  src/compiler/nir_types.h                           |  20 +-
>  src/compiler/spirv/spirv_to_nir.c                  |  24 +-
>  src/compiler/spirv/vtn_private.h                   |   6 +
>  src/compiler/spirv/vtn_variables.c                 |  90 ++-
>  src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_link.cpp             |  12 +-
>  src/mesa/main/shader_query.cpp                     |  30 +-
>  22 files changed, 1301 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)
>  create mode 100644 src/compiler/glsl/gl_nir_link_uniform_blocks.c
>  create mode 100644 src/compiler/glsl/gl_nir_lower_vulkan_resource_index.c
> --
> 2.14.1
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