This reverts commit bc65dcab3bc48673ff6180afb036561a4b8b1119.

This was manually reverted. Reverting stops the menu hanging in
some id tech games such as RAGE and Wolfenstein The New Order.

 .../auxiliary/util/u_threaded_context.h       |  8 --
 src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_fence.c       | 82 +++++++++----------
 src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_gfx_cs.c      |  2 -
 3 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gallium/auxiliary/util/u_threaded_context.h 
index be6933d05a4..a32f893592a 100644
--- a/src/gallium/auxiliary/util/u_threaded_context.h
+++ b/src/gallium/auxiliary/util/u_threaded_context.h
@@ -408,14 +408,6 @@ threaded_transfer(struct pipe_transfer *transfer)
    return (struct threaded_transfer*)transfer;
-static inline struct pipe_context *
-threaded_context_unwrap_unsync(struct pipe_context *pipe)
-   if (!pipe || !pipe->priv)
-      return pipe;
-   return (struct pipe_context*)pipe->priv;
 static inline void
 tc_unflushed_batch_token_reference(struct tc_unflushed_batch_token **dst,
                                    struct tc_unflushed_batch_token *src)
diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_fence.c 
index 186a785437d..abb7057f299 100644
--- a/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_fence.c
+++ b/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_fence.c
@@ -291,8 +291,12 @@ static boolean si_fence_finish(struct pipe_screen *screen,
        struct radeon_winsys *rws = ((struct si_screen*)screen)->ws;
        struct si_multi_fence *rfence = (struct si_multi_fence *)fence;
+       struct si_context *sctx;
        int64_t abs_timeout = os_time_get_absolute_timeout(timeout);
+       ctx = threaded_context_unwrap_sync(ctx);
+       sctx = (struct si_context*)(ctx ? ctx : NULL);
        if (!util_queue_fence_is_signalled(&rfence->ready)) {
                if (rfence->tc_token) {
                        /* Ensure that si_flush_from_st will be called for
@@ -345,49 +349,43 @@ static boolean si_fence_finish(struct pipe_screen *screen,
        /* Flush the gfx IB if it hasn't been flushed yet. */
-       if (ctx && rfence->gfx_unflushed.ctx) {
-               struct si_context *sctx;
-               sctx = (struct si_context *)threaded_context_unwrap_unsync(ctx);
-               if (rfence->gfx_unflushed.ctx == sctx &&
-                   rfence->gfx_unflushed.ib_index == sctx->num_gfx_cs_flushes) 
-                       /* Section 4.1.2 (Signaling) of the OpenGL 4.6 (Core 
-                        * spec says:
-                        *
-                        *    "If the sync object being blocked upon will not be
-                        *     signaled in finite time (for example, by an 
-                        *     fence command issued previously, but not yet 
flushed to
-                        *     the graphics pipeline), then ClientWaitSync may 
-                        *     forever. To help prevent this behavior, if
-                        *     ClientWaitSync is called and all of the 
following are
-                        *     true:
-                        *
-                        *     * the SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT bit is set in 
-                        *     * sync is unsignaled when ClientWaitSync is 
-                        *     * and the calls to ClientWaitSync and FenceSync 
-                        *       issued from the same context,
-                        *
-                        *     then the GL will behave as if the equivalent of 
-                        *     were inserted immediately after the creation of 
-                        *
-                        * This means we need to flush for such fences even 
when we're
-                        * not going to wait.
-                        */
-                       threaded_context_unwrap_sync(ctx);
-                       si_flush_gfx_cs(sctx,
-                                       (timeout ? 0 : PIPE_FLUSH_ASYNC) |
-                                        RADEON_FLUSH_START_NEXT_GFX_IB_NOW,
-                                       NULL);
-                       rfence->gfx_unflushed.ctx = NULL;
-                       if (!timeout)
-                               return false;
+       if (sctx && rfence->gfx_unflushed.ctx == sctx &&
+           rfence->gfx_unflushed.ib_index == sctx->num_gfx_cs_flushes) {
+               /* Section 4.1.2 (Signaling) of the OpenGL 4.6 (Core profile)
+                * spec says:
+                *
+                *    "If the sync object being blocked upon will not be
+                *     signaled in finite time (for example, by an associated
+                *     fence command issued previously, but not yet flushed to
+                *     the graphics pipeline), then ClientWaitSync may hang
+                *     forever. To help prevent this behavior, if
+                *     ClientWaitSync is called and all of the following are
+                *     true:
+                *
+                *     * the SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT bit is set in flags,
+                *     * sync is unsignaled when ClientWaitSync is called,
+                *     * and the calls to ClientWaitSync and FenceSync were
+                *       issued from the same context,
+                *
+                *     then the GL will behave as if the equivalent of Flush
+                *     were inserted immediately after the creation of sync."
+                *
+                * This means we need to flush for such fences even when we're
+                * not going to wait.
+                */
+               si_flush_gfx_cs(sctx,
+                               (timeout ? 0 : PIPE_FLUSH_ASYNC) |
+                                RADEON_FLUSH_START_NEXT_GFX_IB_NOW,
+                               NULL);
+               rfence->gfx_unflushed.ctx = NULL;
-                       /* Recompute the timeout after all that. */
-                       if (timeout && timeout != PIPE_TIMEOUT_INFINITE) {
-                               int64_t time = os_time_get_nano();
-                               timeout = abs_timeout > time ? abs_timeout - 
time : 0;
-                       }
+               if (!timeout)
+                       return false;
+               /* Recompute the timeout after all that. */
+               if (timeout && timeout != PIPE_TIMEOUT_INFINITE) {
+                       int64_t time = os_time_get_nano();
+                       timeout = abs_timeout > time ? abs_timeout - time : 0;
diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_gfx_cs.c 
index 38b85ce6243..bdb576f7e5c 100644
--- a/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_gfx_cs.c
+++ b/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_gfx_cs.c
@@ -147,8 +147,6 @@ void si_flush_gfx_cs(struct si_context *ctx, unsigned flags,
        if (fence)
                ws->fence_reference(fence, ctx->last_gfx_fence);
-       /* This must be after cs_flush returns, since the context's API
-        * thread can concurrently read this value in si_fence_finish. */
        /* Check VM faults if needed. */

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