 src/intel/vulkan/genX_pipeline.c | 178 +++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 99 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/intel/vulkan/genX_pipeline.c b/src/intel/vulkan/genX_pipeline.c
index 297e9455b51..d3c77ecb89b 100644
--- a/src/intel/vulkan/genX_pipeline.c
+++ b/src/intel/vulkan/genX_pipeline.c
@@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ vertex_element_comp_control(enum isl_format format, unsigned 
+#define DUMMY_64BIT_ATTRIB ((const VkVertexInputAttributeDescription *)1)
 static void
 emit_vertex_input(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
                   const VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo *info)
@@ -91,18 +93,40 @@ emit_vertex_input(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
    /* Pull inputs_read out of the VS prog data */
    const uint64_t inputs_read = vs_prog_data->inputs_read;
-   const uint64_t double_inputs_read =
-      vs_prog_data->double_inputs_read & inputs_read;
    assert((inputs_read & ((1 << VERT_ATTRIB_GENERIC0) - 1)) == 0);
    const uint32_t elements = inputs_read >> VERT_ATTRIB_GENERIC0;
-   const uint32_t elements_double = double_inputs_read >> VERT_ATTRIB_GENERIC0;
+   const VkVertexInputAttributeDescription *attribs[MAX_VBS] = { };
+   uint32_t elem_count = __builtin_popcount(elements);
+   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < info->vertexAttributeDescriptionCount; i++) {
+      const VkVertexInputAttributeDescription *desc =
+         &info->pVertexAttributeDescriptions[i];
+      if ((elements & (1 << desc->location)) == 0)
+         continue; /* Binding unused */
+      /* Record the description for the second pass. */
+      attribs[desc->location] = desc;
+      enum isl_format format = anv_get_isl_format(&pipeline->device->info,
+                                                  desc->format,
+                                                  VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
+                                                  VK_IMAGE_TILING_LINEAR);
+      /* 64-bit 3 and 4-channel formats consume two slots in the shader but
+       * are only one VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE.
+       */
+      if (isl_format_layouts[format].channels.b.bits == 64) {
+         assert(elements & (1 << (desc->location + 1)));
+         attribs[desc->location + 1] = DUMMY_64BIT_ATTRIB;
+         elem_count--;
+      }
+   }
    const bool needs_svgs_elem = vs_prog_data->uses_vertexid ||
                                 vs_prog_data->uses_instanceid ||
                                 vs_prog_data->uses_firstvertex ||
-   uint32_t elem_count = __builtin_popcount(elements) -
-      __builtin_popcount(elements_double) / 2;
    const uint32_t total_elems =
       elem_count + needs_svgs_elem + vs_prog_data->uses_drawid;
@@ -117,80 +141,75 @@ emit_vertex_input(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
    if (!p)
-   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < total_elems; i++) {
-      /* The SKL docs for VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE say:
-       *
-       *    "All elements must be valid from Element[0] to the last valid
-       *    element. (I.e. if Element[2] is valid then Element[1] and
-       *    Element[0] must also be valid)."
-       *
-       * The SKL docs for 3D_Vertex_Component_Control say:
-       *
-       *    "Don't store this component. (Not valid for Component 0, but can
-       *    be used for Component 1-3)."
-       *
-       * So we can't just leave a vertex element blank and hope for the best.
-       * We have to tell the VF hardware to put something in it; so we just
-       * store a bunch of zero.
-       *
-       * TODO: Compact vertex elements so we never end up with holes.
-       */
-      struct GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE) element = {
-         .Valid = true,
-         .Component0Control = VFCOMP_STORE_0,
-         .Component1Control = VFCOMP_STORE_0,
-         .Component2Control = VFCOMP_STORE_0,
-         .Component3Control = VFCOMP_STORE_0,
-      };
-      GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE_pack)(NULL, &p[1 + i * 2], &element);
-   }
-   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < info->vertexAttributeDescriptionCount; i++) {
-      const VkVertexInputAttributeDescription *desc =
-         &info->pVertexAttributeDescriptions[i];
-      enum isl_format format = anv_get_isl_format(&pipeline->device->info,
-                                                  desc->format,
-                                                  VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
-                                                  VK_IMAGE_TILING_LINEAR);
-      assert(desc->binding < MAX_VBS);
-      if ((elements & (1 << desc->location)) == 0)
-         continue; /* Binding unused */
-      uint32_t slot =
-         __builtin_popcount(elements & ((1 << desc->location) - 1)) -
-         DIV_ROUND_UP(__builtin_popcount(elements_double &
-                                        ((1 << desc->location) -1)), 2);
+   uint32_t loc, slot = 0;
+   for_each_bit(loc, elements) {
+      /* The previous VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE takes two slots */
+      if (attribs[loc] == DUMMY_64BIT_ATTRIB)
+         continue;
-      struct GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE) element = {
-         .VertexBufferIndex = desc->binding,
-         .Valid = true,
-         .SourceElementFormat = format,
-         .EdgeFlagEnable = false,
-         .SourceElementOffset = desc->offset,
-         .Component0Control = vertex_element_comp_control(format, 0),
-         .Component1Control = vertex_element_comp_control(format, 1),
-         .Component2Control = vertex_element_comp_control(format, 2),
-         .Component3Control = vertex_element_comp_control(format, 3),
-      };
-      GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE_pack)(NULL, &p[1 + slot * 2], &element);
+      struct GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE) element;
+      if (attribs[loc]) {
+         const VkVertexInputAttributeDescription *desc = attribs[loc];
+         enum isl_format format = anv_get_isl_format(&pipeline->device->info,
+                                                     desc->format,
+                                                     VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
+                                                     VK_IMAGE_TILING_LINEAR);
+         element = (struct GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE)) {
+            .VertexBufferIndex = desc->binding,
+            .Valid = true,
+            .SourceElementFormat = format,
+            .EdgeFlagEnable = false,
+            .SourceElementOffset = desc->offset,
+            .Component0Control = vertex_element_comp_control(format, 0),
+            .Component1Control = vertex_element_comp_control(format, 1),
+            .Component2Control = vertex_element_comp_control(format, 2),
+            .Component3Control = vertex_element_comp_control(format, 3),
+         };
 #if GEN_GEN >= 8
-      /* On Broadwell and later, we have a separate VF_INSTANCING packet
-       * that controls instancing.  On Haswell and prior, that's part of
-       * VERTEX_BUFFER_STATE which we emit later.
-       */
-      anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_VF_INSTANCING), vfi) {
-         vfi.InstancingEnable = pipeline->vb[desc->binding].instanced;
-         vfi.VertexElementIndex = slot;
-         vfi.InstanceDataStepRate =
-            pipeline->vb[desc->binding].instance_divisor;
-      }
+         /* On Broadwell and later, we have a separate VF_INSTANCING packet
+          * that controls instancing.  On Haswell and prior, that's part of
+          * VERTEX_BUFFER_STATE which we emit later.
+          */
+         anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_VF_INSTANCING), vfi) {
+            vfi.InstancingEnable = pipeline->vb[desc->binding].instanced;
+            vfi.VertexElementIndex = slot;
+            vfi.InstanceDataStepRate =
+               pipeline->vb[desc->binding].instance_divisor;
+         }
+      } else {
+         /* The SKL docs for VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE say:
+          *
+          *    "All elements must be valid from Element[0] to the last valid
+          *    element. (I.e. if Element[2] is valid then Element[1] and
+          *    Element[0] must also be valid)."
+          *
+          * The SKL docs for 3D_Vertex_Component_Control say:
+          *
+          *    "Don't store this component. (Not valid for Component 0, but can
+          *    be used for Component 1-3)."
+          *
+          * So we can't just leave a vertex element blank and hope for the 
+          * We have to tell the VF hardware to put something in it; so we just
+          * store a bunch of zero.
+          *
+          * TODO: Compact vertex elements so we never end up with holes.
+          */
+         element = (struct GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE)) {
+            .Valid = true,
+            .Component0Control = VFCOMP_STORE_0,
+            .Component1Control = VFCOMP_STORE_0,
+            .Component2Control = VFCOMP_STORE_0,
+            .Component3Control = VFCOMP_STORE_0,
+         };
+      }
+      GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE_pack)(NULL, &p[1 + slot * 2], &element);
+      slot++;
+   assert(slot == elem_count);
-   const uint32_t id_slot = elem_count;
+   const uint32_t id_slot = slot;
    if (needs_svgs_elem) {
       /* From the Broadwell PRM for the 3D_Vertex_Component_Control enum:
        *    "Within a VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE structure, if a Component
@@ -219,7 +238,8 @@ emit_vertex_input(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
          .Component3Control = VFCOMP_STORE_IID,
-      GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE_pack)(NULL, &p[1 + id_slot * 2], &element);
+      GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE_pack)(NULL, &p[1 + slot * 2], &element);
+      slot++;
 #if GEN_GEN >= 8
@@ -233,7 +253,6 @@ emit_vertex_input(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
-   const uint32_t drawid_slot = elem_count + needs_svgs_elem;
    if (vs_prog_data->uses_drawid) {
       struct GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE) element = {
          .VertexBufferIndex = ANV_DRAWID_VB_INDEX,
@@ -244,16 +263,17 @@ emit_vertex_input(struct anv_pipeline *pipeline,
          .Component2Control = VFCOMP_STORE_0,
          .Component3Control = VFCOMP_STORE_0,
-                                      &p[1 + drawid_slot * 2],
-                                      &element);
+      GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE_pack)(NULL, &p[1 + slot * 2], &element);
 #if GEN_GEN >= 8
       anv_batch_emit(&pipeline->batch, GENX(3DSTATE_VF_INSTANCING), vfi) {
-         vfi.VertexElementIndex = drawid_slot;
+         vfi.VertexElementIndex = slot;
+      slot++;
+   assert(slot == total_elems);

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