v4: - Fix typo in warning code (4246 -> 4267)
    - Copy comments from scons for what MSVC warnings codes do
    - Merge linker argument changes into this commit
 meson.build | 155 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 106 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
index 32a731e2024..6cdb6888d1e 100644
--- a/meson.build
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -781,69 +781,124 @@ endif
 # TODO: this is very incomplete
 if ['linux', 'cygwin'].contains(host_machine.system())
   pre_args += '-D_GNU_SOURCE'
+elif host_machine.system() == 'windows'
+  pre_args += [
+    '-D_WINDOWS', '-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601', '-D_WINVER=0x0601',
+    '-D_USE_MATH_DEFINES',  # XXX: scons doesn't use this for mingw
+  ]
+  if cc.get_id() == 'msvc'
+    pre_args += [
+      '-DVC_EXTRALEAN',
+      '-D_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0', # Tell C++ STL to not use exceptions
+    ]
+  else
+    pre_args += ['-D__MSVCRT_VERSION__=0x0700']
+  endif
 # Check for generic C arguments
 c_args = []
-foreach a : ['-Wall', '-Werror=implicit-function-declaration',
-             '-Werror=missing-prototypes', '-fno-math-errno',
-             '-fno-trapping-math', '-Qunused-arguments']
-  if cc.has_argument(a)
-    c_args += a
-  endif
-if cc.has_argument('-Wmissing-field-initializers')
-  c_args += '-Wno-missing-field-initializers'
 c_vis_args = []
-if cc.has_argument('-fvisibility=hidden')
-  c_vis_args += '-fvisibility=hidden'
-# Check for generic C++ arguments
+c_msvc_compat_args = []
+no_override_init_args = []
 cpp_args = []
-foreach a : ['-Wall', '-fno-math-errno', '-fno-trapping-math',
-             '-Qunused-arguments']
-  if cpp.has_argument(a)
-    cpp_args += a
+cpp_vis_args = []
+cpp_msvc_compat_args = []
+if cc.get_id() == 'msvc'
+  foreach a : ['/wd4018',  # signed/unsigned mismatch
+               '/wd4056',  # overflow in floating-point constant arithmetic
+               '/wd4244',  # conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', possible loss 
of data
+               '/wd4267',  # 'var' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'type', 
possible loss of data
+               '/wd4305',  # trancation from 'type1' to 'type2'
+               '/wd4351',  # new behavior: elements of array 'array' will be 
default initialized
+               '/wd4756',  # overflow in constant arithmetic
+               '/wd4800',  # forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' 
(performance warning)
+               '/wd4996']  # disabled deprecated POSIX name warnings
+    if cc.has_argument(a)
+      c_args += a
+    endif
+    if cpp.has_argument(a)
+      cpp_args += a
+    endif
+  endforeach
+  if cc.has_argument('-Wmicrosoft-enum-value')  # Clang
+    c_args += '-Wno-microsoft-enum-value'
+    cpp_args += '-Wno-microsoft-enum-value'
-# For some reason, the test for -Wno-foo always succeeds with gcc, even if the
-# option is not supported. Hence, check for -Wfoo instead.
-foreach a : ['non-virtual-dtor', 'missing-field-initializers']
-  if cpp.has_argument('-W' + a)
-    cpp_args += '-Wno-' + a
+  foreach a : ['-Wall', '-Werror=implicit-function-declaration',
+               '-Werror=missing-prototypes', '-fno-math-errno',
+               '-fno-trapping-math', '-Qunused-arguments']
+    if cc.has_argument(a)
+      c_args += a
+    endif
+  endforeach
+  if cc.has_argument('-Wmissing-field-initializers')
+    c_args += '-Wno-missing-field-initializers'
-no_override_init_args = []
-foreach a : ['override-init', 'initializer-overrides']
-  if cc.has_argument('-W' + a)
-    no_override_init_args += '-Wno-' + a
+  c_vis_args = []
+  if cc.has_argument('-fvisibility=hidden')
+    c_vis_args += '-fvisibility=hidden'
-cpp_vis_args = []
-if cpp.has_argument('-fvisibility=hidden')
-  cpp_vis_args += '-fvisibility=hidden'
+  # For some reason, the test for -Wno-foo always succeeds with gcc, even if
+  # the option is not supported. Hence, check for -Wfoo instead.
+  foreach a : ['non-virtual-dtor', 'missing-field-initializers']
+    if cpp.has_argument('-W' + a)
+      cpp_args += '-Wno-' + a
+    endif
+  endforeach
-# Check for C and C++ arguments for MSVC2013 compatibility. These are only used
-# in parts of the mesa code base that need to compile with old versions of
-# MSVC, mainly common code
-c_msvc_compat_args = []
-cpp_msvc_compat_args = []
-foreach a : ['-Werror=pointer-arith', '-Werror=vla']
-  if cc.has_argument(a)
-    c_msvc_compat_args += a
+  foreach a : ['override-init', 'initializer-overrides']
+    if cc.has_argument('-W' + a)
+      no_override_init_args += '-Wno-' + a
+    endif
+  endforeach
+  if cpp.has_argument('-fvisibility=hidden')
+    cpp_vis_args += '-fvisibility=hidden'
-  if cpp.has_argument(a)
-    cpp_msvc_compat_args += a
+  # Check for C and C++ arguments for MSVC2013 compatibility. These are only
+  # used in parts of the mesa code base that need to compile with old versions
+  # of MSVC, mainly common code
+  foreach a : ['-Werror=pointer-arith', '-Werror=vla']
+    if cc.has_argument(a)
+      c_msvc_compat_args += a
+    endif
+    if cpp.has_argument(a)
+      cpp_msvc_compat_args += a
+    endif
+  endforeach
+# set linker arguments
+if host_machine.system() == 'windows'
+  if cc.get_id() == 'msvc'
+    add_project_link_arguments(
+      '/fixed:no',
+      '/incremental:no',
+      '/dynamicbase',
+      '/nxcompat',
+      language : ['c', 'cpp'],
+    )
+  else
+    add_project_link_arguments(
+      '-Wl,--nxcompat',
+      '-Wl,--dynamicbase',
+      '-static-libgcc',
+      '-static-libstdc++',
+      language : ['c', 'cpp'],
+    )
 if host_machine.cpu_family().startswith('x86')
   pre_args += '-DUSE_SSE41'
@@ -902,6 +957,8 @@ if not cc.links('''#include <stdint.h>
   pre_args += '-DMISSING_64_BIT_ATOMICS'
+dep_ws2_32 = cc.find_library('ws2_32', required : with_platform_windows) 
 # TODO: shared/static? Is this even worth doing?
 # When cross compiling we generally need to turn off the use of assembly,

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