src/glsl/ast.h | 66 +----------------------------
src/glsl/ast_to_hir.cpp | 4 +-
src/glsl/ast_type.cpp | 68 +-----------------------------
src/glsl/glsl_parser.yy | 106 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
4 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 186 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/glsl/ast.h b/src/glsl/ast.h
index 1f78af8..e6707ac 100644
--- a/src/glsl/ast.h
+++ b/src/glsl/ast.h
@@ -418,72 +418,12 @@ public:
-enum ast_types {
- ast_void,
- ast_float,
- ast_int,
- ast_uint,
- ast_bool,
- ast_vec2,
- ast_vec3,
- ast_vec4,
- ast_bvec2,
- ast_bvec3,
- ast_bvec4,
- ast_ivec2,
- ast_ivec3,
- ast_ivec4,
- ast_uvec2,
- ast_uvec3,
- ast_uvec4,
- ast_mat2,
- ast_mat2x3,
- ast_mat2x4,
- ast_mat3x2,
- ast_mat3,
- ast_mat3x4,
- ast_mat4x2,
- ast_mat4x3,
- ast_mat4,
- ast_sampler1d,
- ast_sampler2d,
- ast_sampler2drect,
- ast_sampler3d,
- ast_samplercube,
- ast_samplerexternaloes,
- ast_sampler1dshadow,
- ast_sampler2dshadow,
- ast_sampler2drectshadow,
- ast_samplercubeshadow,
- ast_sampler1darray,
- ast_sampler2darray,
- ast_sampler1darrayshadow,
- ast_sampler2darrayshadow,
- ast_isampler1d,
- ast_isampler2d,
- ast_isampler3d,
- ast_isamplercube,
- ast_isampler1darray,
- ast_isampler2darray,
- ast_usampler1d,
- ast_usampler2d,
- ast_usampler3d,
- ast_usamplercube,
- ast_usampler1darray,
- ast_usampler2darray,
- ast_struct,
- ast_type_name
class ast_type_specifier : public ast_node {
- ast_type_specifier(int specifier);
/** Construct a type specifier from a type name */
ast_type_specifier(const char *name)
- : type_specifier(ast_type_name), type_name(name), structure(NULL),
+ : type_name(name), structure(NULL),
is_array(false), array_size(NULL), precision(ast_precision_none),
@@ -492,7 +432,7 @@ public:
/** Construct a type specifier from a structure definition */
ast_type_specifier(ast_struct_specifier *s)
- : type_specifier(ast_struct), type_name(s->name), structure(s),
+ : type_name(s->name), structure(s),
is_array(false), array_size(NULL), precision(ast_precision_none),
@@ -507,8 +447,6 @@ public:
ir_rvalue *hir(exec_list *, struct _mesa_glsl_parse_state *);
- enum ast_types type_specifier;
const char *type_name;
ast_struct_specifier *structure;
diff --git a/src/glsl/ast_to_hir.cpp b/src/glsl/ast_to_hir.cpp
index ff56e33..dd02301 100644
--- a/src/glsl/ast_to_hir.cpp
+++ b/src/glsl/ast_to_hir.cpp
@@ -3904,8 +3904,8 @@ ast_type_specifier::hir(exec_list *instructions,
return NULL;
- if (this->type_specifier != ast_float
-&& this->type_specifier != ast_int) {
+ if (strcmp(this->type_name, "float") != 0&&
+ strcmp(this->type_name, "int") != 0) {
_mesa_glsl_error(&loc, state,
"default precision statements apply only to types "
"float and int");
diff --git a/src/glsl/ast_type.cpp b/src/glsl/ast_type.cpp
index 79c43ee..6c44f8c 100644
--- a/src/glsl/ast_type.cpp
+++ b/src/glsl/ast_type.cpp
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ extern "C" {
ast_type_specifier::print(void) const
- if (type_specifier == ast_struct) {
+ if (structure) {
} else {
printf("%s ", type_name);
@@ -46,72 +46,6 @@ ast_type_specifier::print(void) const
-ast_type_specifier::ast_type_specifier(int specifier)
- : type_specifier(ast_types(specifier)), type_name(NULL), structure(NULL),
- is_array(false), array_size(NULL), precision(ast_precision_none),
- is_precision_statement(false)
- static const char *const names[] = {
- "void",
- "float",
- "int",
- "uint",
- "bool",
- "vec2",
- "vec3",
- "vec4",
- "bvec2",
- "bvec3",
- "bvec4",
- "ivec2",
- "ivec3",
- "ivec4",
- "uvec2",
- "uvec3",
- "uvec4",
- "mat2",
- "mat2x3",
- "mat2x4",
- "mat3x2",
- "mat3",
- "mat3x4",
- "mat4x2",
- "mat4x3",
- "mat4",
- "sampler1D",
- "sampler2D",
- "sampler2DRect",
- "sampler3D",
- "samplerCube",
- "samplerExternalOES",
- "sampler1DShadow",
- "sampler2DShadow",
- "sampler2DRectShadow",
- "samplerCubeShadow",
- "sampler1DArray",
- "sampler2DArray",
- "sampler1DArrayShadow",
- "sampler2DArrayShadow",
- "isampler1D",
- "isampler2D",
- "isampler3D",
- "isamplerCube",
- "isampler1DArray",
- "isampler2DArray",
- "usampler1D",
- "usampler2D",
- "usampler3D",
- "usamplerCube",
- "usampler1DArray",
- "usampler2DArray",
- NULL, /* ast_struct */
- NULL /* ast_type_name */
- };
- type_name = names[specifier];
ast_fully_specified_type::has_qualifiers() const
diff --git a/src/glsl/glsl_parser.yy b/src/glsl/glsl_parser.yy
index 64506b6..5ce69b6 100644
--- a/src/glsl/glsl_parser.yy
+++ b/src/glsl/glsl_parser.yy
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ static void yyerror(YYLTYPE *loc, _mesa_glsl_parse_state
*st, const char *msg)
%type<type_specifier> type_specifier
%type<type_specifier> type_specifier_no_prec
%type<type_specifier> type_specifier_nonarray
-%type<n> basic_type_specifier_nonarray
+%type<identifier> basic_type_specifier_nonarray
%type<fully_specified_type> fully_specified_type
%type<function> function_prototype
%type<function> function_header
@@ -1365,58 +1365,58 @@ type_specifier_nonarray:
- VOID_TOK { $$ = ast_void; }
- | FLOAT_TOK { $$ = ast_float; }
- | INT_TOK { $$ = ast_int; }
- | UINT_TOK { $$ = ast_uint; }
- | BOOL_TOK { $$ = ast_bool; }
- | VEC2 { $$ = ast_vec2; }
- | VEC3 { $$ = ast_vec3; }
- | VEC4 { $$ = ast_vec4; }
- | BVEC2 { $$ = ast_bvec2; }
- | BVEC3 { $$ = ast_bvec3; }
- | BVEC4 { $$ = ast_bvec4; }
- | IVEC2 { $$ = ast_ivec2; }
- | IVEC3 { $$ = ast_ivec3; }
- | IVEC4 { $$ = ast_ivec4; }
- | UVEC2 { $$ = ast_uvec2; }
- | UVEC3 { $$ = ast_uvec3; }
- | UVEC4 { $$ = ast_uvec4; }
- | MAT2X2 { $$ = ast_mat2; }
- | MAT2X3 { $$ = ast_mat2x3; }
- | MAT2X4 { $$ = ast_mat2x4; }
- | MAT3X2 { $$ = ast_mat3x2; }
- | MAT3X3 { $$ = ast_mat3; }
- | MAT3X4 { $$ = ast_mat3x4; }
- | MAT4X2 { $$ = ast_mat4x2; }
- | MAT4X3 { $$ = ast_mat4x3; }
- | MAT4X4 { $$ = ast_mat4; }
- | SAMPLER1D { $$ = ast_sampler1d; }
- | SAMPLER2D { $$ = ast_sampler2d; }
- | SAMPLER2DRECT { $$ = ast_sampler2drect; }
- | SAMPLER3D { $$ = ast_sampler3d; }
- | SAMPLERCUBE { $$ = ast_samplercube; }
- | SAMPLEREXTERNALOES { $$ = ast_samplerexternaloes; }
- | SAMPLER1DSHADOW { $$ = ast_sampler1dshadow; }
- | SAMPLER2DSHADOW { $$ = ast_sampler2dshadow; }
- | SAMPLER2DRECTSHADOW { $$ = ast_sampler2drectshadow; }
- | SAMPLERCUBESHADOW { $$ = ast_samplercubeshadow; }
- | SAMPLER1DARRAY { $$ = ast_sampler1darray; }
- | SAMPLER2DARRAY { $$ = ast_sampler2darray; }
- | SAMPLER1DARRAYSHADOW { $$ = ast_sampler1darrayshadow; }
- | SAMPLER2DARRAYSHADOW { $$ = ast_sampler2darrayshadow; }
- | ISAMPLER1D { $$ = ast_isampler1d; }
- | ISAMPLER2D { $$ = ast_isampler2d; }
- | ISAMPLER3D { $$ = ast_isampler3d; }
- | ISAMPLERCUBE { $$ = ast_isamplercube; }
- | ISAMPLER1DARRAY { $$ = ast_isampler1darray; }
- | ISAMPLER2DARRAY { $$ = ast_isampler2darray; }
- | USAMPLER1D { $$ = ast_usampler1d; }
- | USAMPLER2D { $$ = ast_usampler2d; }
- | USAMPLER3D { $$ = ast_usampler3d; }
- | USAMPLERCUBE { $$ = ast_usamplercube; }
- | USAMPLER1DARRAY { $$ = ast_usampler1darray; }
- | USAMPLER2DARRAY { $$ = ast_usampler2darray; }
+ VOID_TOK { $$ = (char *)"void"; }
+ | FLOAT_TOK { $$ = (char *)"float"; }
+ | INT_TOK { $$ = (char *)"int"; }
+ | UINT_TOK { $$ = (char *)"uint"; }
+ | BOOL_TOK { $$ = (char *)"bool"; }
+ | VEC2 { $$ = (char *)"vec2"; }
+ | VEC3 { $$ = (char *)"vec3"; }
+ | VEC4 { $$ = (char *)"vec4"; }
+ | BVEC2 { $$ = (char *)"bvec2"; }
+ | BVEC3 { $$ = (char *)"bvec3"; }
+ | BVEC4 { $$ = (char *)"bvec4"; }
+ | IVEC2 { $$ = (char *)"ivec2"; }
+ | IVEC3 { $$ = (char *)"ivec3"; }
+ | IVEC4 { $$ = (char *)"ivec4"; }
+ | UVEC2 { $$ = (char *)"uvec2"; }
+ | UVEC3 { $$ = (char *)"uvec3"; }
+ | UVEC4 { $$ = (char *)"uvec4"; }
+ | MAT2X2 { $$ = (char *)"mat2"; }
+ | MAT2X3 { $$ = (char *)"mat2x3"; }
+ | MAT2X4 { $$ = (char *)"mat2x4"; }
+ | MAT3X2 { $$ = (char *)"mat3x2"; }
+ | MAT3X3 { $$ = (char *)"mat3"; }
+ | MAT3X4 { $$ = (char *)"mat3x4"; }
+ | MAT4X2 { $$ = (char *)"mat4x2"; }
+ | MAT4X3 { $$ = (char *)"mat4x3"; }
+ | MAT4X4 { $$ = (char *)"mat4"; }
+ | SAMPLER1D { $$ = (char *)"sampler1D"; }
+ | SAMPLER2D { $$ = (char *)"sampler2D"; }
+ | SAMPLER2DRECT { $$ = (char *)"sampler2DRect"; }
+ | SAMPLER3D { $$ = (char *)"sampler3D"; }
+ | SAMPLERCUBE { $$ = (char *)"samplerCube"; }
+ | SAMPLEREXTERNALOES { $$ = (char *)"samplerExternalOES"; }
+ | SAMPLER1DSHADOW { $$ = (char *)"sampler1DShadow"; }
+ | SAMPLER2DSHADOW { $$ = (char *)"sampler2DShadow"; }
+ | SAMPLER2DRECTSHADOW { $$ = (char *)"sampler2DRectShadow"; }
+ | SAMPLERCUBESHADOW { $$ = (char *)"samplerCubeShadow"; }
+ | SAMPLER1DARRAY { $$ = (char *)"sampler1DArray"; }
+ | SAMPLER2DARRAY { $$ = (char *)"sampler2DArray"; }
+ | SAMPLER1DARRAYSHADOW { $$ = (char *)"sampler1DArrayShadow"; }
+ | SAMPLER2DARRAYSHADOW { $$ = (char *)"sampler2DArrayShadow"; }
+ | ISAMPLER1D { $$ = (char *)"isampler1D"; }
+ | ISAMPLER2D { $$ = (char *)"isampler2D"; }
+ | ISAMPLER3D { $$ = (char *)"isampler3D"; }
+ | ISAMPLERCUBE { $$ = (char *)"isamplerCube"; }
+ | ISAMPLER1DARRAY { $$ = (char *)"isampler1DArray"; }
+ | ISAMPLER2DARRAY { $$ = (char *)"isampler2DArray"; }
+ | USAMPLER1D { $$ = (char *)"usampler1D"; }
+ | USAMPLER2D { $$ = (char *)"usampler2D"; }
+ | USAMPLER3D { $$ = (char *)"usampler3D"; }
+ | USAMPLERCUBE { $$ = (char *)"usamplerCube"; }
+ | USAMPLER1DARRAY { $$ = (char *)"usampler1DArray"; }
+ | USAMPLER2DARRAY { $$ = (char *)"usampler2DArray"; }