On 07/06/2018 08:45 AM, Adam Jackson wrote:
> On Fri, 2018-07-06 at 10:29 +0100, Emil Velikov wrote:
>> Skimming through the egl_khr_create_context text, this relaxes some
>> parts which are meant to be an error.
>> For example
>>       * If either of <draw> or <read> is a valid surface and the other
>>         is EGL_NO_SURFACE, an EGL_BAD_MATCH error is generated.
> That seems like an invariant EGL promises for the driver, not something
> the driver validates. eglMakeCurrent already says:
>       if ((!draw_surf && draw != EGL_NO_SURFACE) ||
>           (!read_surf && read != EGL_NO_SURFACE))
> glXMakeCurrent doesn't seem to have code to generate an error in that
> case, anymore. The server would throw an error for the GLXMakeCurrent
> request, but we don't always emit those for... bad reasons. Regardless
> I'd say that check belongs in MakeContextCurrent, not the driver.

That is how we have typically divided up work.  The libEGL / libGLX
layer handles the API validation, and the driver tries not to crash. :)

> - ajax
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