We can not use the VUE Dereference flags combination for EOT
message under ILK and SNB because the threads are not initialized
there with initial VUE handle unlike Pre-IL.
So to avoid GPU hangs on SNB and ILK we need
to avoid usage of the VUE Dereference flags combination.
(Was tested only on SNB but according to the specification
SNB Volume 2 Part 1:,
the ILK must behave itself in the similar way)

v2: Approach to fix this issue was changed.
Instead of different EOT flags in the program end
we will create VUE every time even if GS produces no output.

Signed-off-by: Andrii Simiklit <andrii.simik...@globallogic.com>
 src/intel/compiler/gen6_gs_visitor.cpp | 88 +++++++++-------------------------
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/intel/compiler/gen6_gs_visitor.cpp 
index ac3ba55..b831d33 100644
--- a/src/intel/compiler/gen6_gs_visitor.cpp
+++ b/src/intel/compiler/gen6_gs_visitor.cpp
@@ -300,11 +300,10 @@ gen6_gs_visitor::emit_urb_write_opcode(bool complete, int 
       /* Otherwise we always request to allocate a new VUE handle. If this is
        * the last write before the EOT message and the new handle never gets
        * used it will be dereferenced when we send the EOT message. This is
-       * necessary to avoid different setups (under Pre-IL only) for the EOT 
message (one for the
+       * necessary to avoid different setups for the EOT message (one for the
        * case when there is no output and another for the case when there is)
        * which would require to end the program with an IF/ELSE/ENDIF block,
-       * something we do not want. 
-       * But for ILK and SNB we can not avoid the end the program with an 
+       * something we do not want.
       inst = emit(GS_OPCODE_URB_WRITE_ALLOCATE);
       inst->urb_write_flags = BRW_URB_WRITE_COMPLETE;
@@ -351,27 +350,27 @@ gen6_gs_visitor::emit_thread_end()
    int max_usable_mrf = FIRST_SPILL_MRF(devinfo->gen);
    /* Issue the FF_SYNC message and obtain the initial VUE handle. */
-   emit(CMP(dst_null_ud(), this->vertex_count, brw_imm_ud(0u), 
-   {
-      this->current_annotation = "gen6 thread end: ff_sync";
+   this->current_annotation = "gen6 thread end: ff_sync";
-      vec4_instruction *inst;
-      if (prog->info.has_transform_feedback_varyings) {
+   vec4_instruction *inst = NULL;
+   if (prog->info.has_transform_feedback_varyings) {
          src_reg sol_temp(this, glsl_type::uvec4_type);
-              dst_reg(this->svbi),
-              this->vertex_count,
-              this->prim_count,
-              sol_temp);
+               dst_reg(this->svbi),
+               this->vertex_count,
+               this->prim_count,
+               sol_temp);
          inst = emit(GS_OPCODE_FF_SYNC,
                      dst_reg(this->temp), this->prim_count, this->svbi);
-      } else {
+   } else {
          inst = emit(GS_OPCODE_FF_SYNC,
                      dst_reg(this->temp), this->prim_count, brw_imm_ud(0u));
-      }
-      inst->base_mrf = base_mrf;
+   }
+   inst->base_mrf = base_mrf;
+   emit(CMP(dst_null_ud(), this->vertex_count, brw_imm_ud(0u), 
+   {
       /* Loop over all buffered vertices and emit URB write messages */
       this->current_annotation = "gen6 thread end: urb writes init";
       src_reg vertex(this, glsl_type::uint_type);
@@ -415,7 +414,7 @@ gen6_gs_visitor::emit_thread_end()
                dst_reg reg = dst_reg(MRF, mrf);
                reg.type = output_reg[varying][0].type;
                data.type = reg.type;
-               vec4_instruction *inst = emit(MOV(reg, data));
+               inst = emit(MOV(reg, data));
                inst->force_writemask_all = true;
@@ -450,11 +449,8 @@ gen6_gs_visitor::emit_thread_end()
       if (prog->info.has_transform_feedback_varyings)
-   const bool common_eot_approach_can_be_used = (devinfo->gen < 5);
-   if(common_eot_approach_can_be_used)
-   {
-      emit(BRW_OPCODE_ENDIF);  
-   }
    /* Finally, emit EOT message.
     * In gen6 we need to end the thread differently depending on whether we 
@@ -464,35 +460,11 @@ gen6_gs_visitor::emit_thread_end()
     * However, this would lead us to end the program with an ENDIF opcode,
     * which we want to avoid, so what we do is that we always request a new
-    * VUE handle every time we do a URB WRITE, even for the last vertex we 
+    * VUE handle every time, even if GS produces no output.
     * With this we make sure that whether we have emitted at least one vertex
     * or none at all, we have to finish the thread without writing to the URB,
-    * which works for both cases (but only under Pre-IL) by setting 
-    * the COMPLETE and UNUSED flags in the EOT message.
-    * 
-    * But under ILK or SNB we must not use combination COMPLETE and UNUSED 
-    * because this combination could be used only for already allocated VUE. 
-    * But unlike Pre-IL in the ILK and SNB 
-    * the initial VUE is not passed to threads. 
-    * This behaver mentioned in specification: 
-    * SNB Volume 2 Part 1:
-    *  " VUE Allocation (GS, CLIP) [DevIL]"
-    *  " VUE Allocation (GS) [DevSNB+]"
-    *     "The threads are not passed an initial handle.  
-    *     Instead, they request a first handle (if any) 
-    *     via the URB shared function’s FF_SYNC message (see Shared 
-    *     If additional handles are required, 
-    *     the URB_WRITE allocate mechanism (mentioned above) is used."
-    * 
-    * So for ILK and for SNB we must use only UNUSED flag.
-    * This is accepteble combination according to:
-    *    SNB Volume 4 Part 2:
-    *       "2.4.2 Message Descriptor"
-    *          "Table lists the valid and invalid combinations of 
-    *           the Complete, Used, Allocate and EOT bits"
-    *          "Thread terminate non-write of URB"
-    *    SNB Volume 2 Part 1:
-    *       " Thread Termination"
+    * which works for both cases by setting the COMPLETE and UNUSED flags in
+    * the EOT message.
    this->current_annotation = "gen6 thread end: EOT";
@@ -504,26 +476,12 @@ gen6_gs_visitor::emit_thread_end()
       emit(GS_OPCODE_SET_DWORD_2, dst_reg(MRF, base_mrf), data);
-   vec4_instruction *inst = emit(GS_OPCODE_THREAD_END);
+   inst = emit(GS_OPCODE_THREAD_END);
    inst->urb_write_flags = BRW_URB_WRITE_COMPLETE | BRW_URB_WRITE_UNUSED;
    inst->base_mrf = base_mrf;
    inst->mlen = 1;
-   if(!common_eot_approach_can_be_used)
-   {
-      emit(BRW_OPCODE_ELSE);
-      this->current_annotation = "gen6 thread end: EOT";
-      vec4_instruction *unused_urb_inst = emit(GS_OPCODE_THREAD_END);
-      unused_urb_inst->urb_write_flags = BRW_URB_WRITE_UNUSED;
-      unused_urb_inst->base_mrf = base_mrf;
-      unused_urb_inst->mlen = 1;
-      emit(BRW_OPCODE_ENDIF);  
-   }

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