Hi Veluri,

glad to see you're interested.

There have been several attempts at a DriConf replacement over the years. I believe the most advanced one currently is by Jean Hertel at https://github.com/jlHertel/adriconf -- so your best bet is probably to check that out, see what if anything is still missing there, and then coordinate with Jean.

The first step towards demonstrating your seriousness would be to make a small but relevant contribution to that project.


On 04.06.2018 10:19, Veluri Mithun wrote:
Dear developers,

I'm of the undergraduate students at India having experience in C++, Java, Python programming languages. Being an Electronics student I've fair enough knowledge in architectures of few Microcontrollers and Embedded C, Verilog & VHDL. I'm very enthusiastic to take part in this project.

Can anyone please suggest me something to get started on this. I also hope to build a strong proposal for EVoC 2018 based on my contributions.

Thank You.


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