Sorry, but I still don't understand the logic of this :/
What we want to check for is that all the DCC bytes of a mip-level are
contiguous, right?
Why does it matter for that whether a level is the last level?
Here's the thought experiment that I can't make sense of: Let's say that
you have format, base level, and number of levels N so that the
last-level condition applies. That is, all levels up to and including
N-2 have dccRamAligned true. Level N-1 has dccRamAligned false, but the
patch as-is will still consider it fast-clearable.
Now you take the same format and base level, but allocate N+1 levels.
Presumably we now also get levels up to and including N-2 with
dccRamAligned true, but levels N-1 and N will have dccRamAligned false
and will be considered not fast-clearable.
Why is level N-1 fast clearable in the first case but not the second?
That's what doesn't make sense to me. Am I missing something here?
On 27.04.2018 04:13, Marek Olšák wrote:
Ping. Thanks.
On Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 3:56 PM, Marek Olšák <
<>> wrote:
From: Marek Olšák < <>>
v2: require the previous level to be clearable for determining whether
the last unaligned level is clearable
src/amd/common/ac_surface.c | 18 +++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/src/amd/common/ac_surface.c b/src/amd/common/ac_surface.c
index a23952717e3..487f6c6431b 100644
--- a/src/amd/common/ac_surface.c
+++ b/src/amd/common/ac_surface.c
@@ -336,36 +336,52 @@ static int gfx6_compute_level(ADDR_HANDLE addrlib,
surf->u.legacy.tiling_index[level] =
surf->surf_size = surf_level->offset +
/* Clear DCC fields at the beginning. */
surf_level->dcc_offset = 0;
/* The previous level's flag tells us if we can use DCC for
this level. */
if (AddrSurfInfoIn->flags.dccCompatible &&
(level == 0 || AddrDccOut->subLvlCompressible)) {
+ bool prev_level_clearable = level == 0 ||
AddrDccIn->colorSurfSize = AddrSurfInfoOut->surfSize;
AddrDccIn->tileMode = AddrSurfInfoOut->tileMode;
AddrDccIn->tileInfo = *AddrSurfInfoOut->pTileInfo;
AddrDccIn->tileIndex = AddrSurfInfoOut->tileIndex;
AddrDccIn->macroModeIndex =
ret = AddrComputeDccInfo(addrlib,
if (ret == ADDR_OK) {
surf_level->dcc_offset = surf->dcc_size;
- surf_level->dcc_fast_clear_size =
surf->num_dcc_levels = level + 1;
surf->dcc_size = surf_level->dcc_offset +
surf->dcc_alignment =
MAX2(surf->dcc_alignment, AddrDccOut->dccRamBaseAlign);
+ /* If the DCC size of a subresource (1 mip
level or 1 slice)
+ * is not aligned, the DCC memory layout is
not contiguous for
+ * that subresource, which means we can't
use fast clear.
+ *
+ * We only do fast clears for whole mipmap
levels. If we did
+ * per-slice fast clears, the same
restriction would apply.
+ * (i.e. only compute the slice size and see
if it's aligned)
+ */
+ if (AddrDccOut->dccRamSizeAligned ||
+ (prev_level_clearable && level ==
config->info.levels - 1))
+ surf_level->dcc_fast_clear_size =
+ else
+ surf_level->dcc_fast_clear_size = 0;
/* TC-compatible HTILE. */
if (!is_stencil &&
AddrSurfInfoIn->flags.depth &&
surf_level->mode == RADEON_SURF_MODE_2D &&
level == 0) {
AddrHtileIn->flags.tcCompatible =
AddrHtileIn->pitch = AddrSurfInfoOut->pitch;
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