--- Comment #9 from Swyter <> ---
@imirkin I'm just doing this, nothing too fancy:

>       glEnable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT);
>       glDebugMessageCallback(GLErrorCallback, NULL); GL_ASSERT;
>       glDebugMessageControl(
>               GL_DONT_CARE,
>               GL_DONT_CARE,
>               GL_DONT_CARE,
>               0,
>               NULL,
>               TRUE
>       ); GL_ASSERT;

If you take a look at the game log above you can see that it spits the compiler
info stats. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

Anyway, here is a backtrace from a customer using i965 with an Intel(R) HD
Graphics 520. He is running a release build of Mesa, so it doesn't come with
debug symbols, but you can see that it is stuck at a DRI syscall at the end of
the frame, just like you said:

The only thing that appears in the stdout/err log from the driver side is this:

> i965: Failed to submit batchbuffer: Input/output error


Some of the other replies in that reddit thread may be of interest. I told him
to use the LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose env var, but it doesn't look too chatty.

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