On 12 March 2018 at 14:20, Andres Gomez <ago...@igalia.com> wrote:
> Thanks for opening this thread Emil.
> I will open new branches for other topics that have been boiling in our
> minds for a while. I hope you, Emil, can forgive us for not having been
> more diligent with those, as you are already aware of some of them ...
> 😇
No worries Andres. I believe that if we're more open about those we'll
can be more proficient in addressing them.

> On Tue, 2018-03-06 at 19:34 +0000, Emil Velikov wrote:
> [...]
>> A few other ideas that were also came to mind:
>>  - Round robin - where me/Igalia team will check for outstanding
>>    patches, backports, etc.
> I'm open to this. So far Juan and I have been doing this task while
> being on relase duty but maybe it is better to explictly agree among us
> (on a specific policy/shift rotation).
If there's an agreement to have a the per-team maintainer, this won't
be needed... I think.

In the meanwhile, do share how you envision this?

>>  - Have two distinct emails - an announcement and a second RFC that
>>    lists the rejected patches and ones with outstanding backports
> I don't think this would be really necessary, specially if we adopt
> GitLab.
The idea is what to do, until we adopt it or any other solution. Would
the split help people?

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