On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 7:52 AM, tf (mobile) <tfo...@sci.utah.edu> wrote:
> Even if the system supports tls, the x server may not have been built with 
> it.  As i recall, there is an issue with mismatching tls between x and 
> drivers... Can a non-tls server load a tls driver?

I don't think mismatching TLS/non-TLS Mesa and X server works, but I
don't think that's a combination anyone cares to support (or is
possible to support?).

> Anyway, if there's an issue there, this check must be more complicated -- it 
> can't be just, "does the system support this",  it would instead need to be 
> "can the system support this and is it enabled in the x server."

The X server isn't required to compile Mesa, so it doesn't make sense
to try to check if the X server supports TLS. I think the idea is, if
the system supports TLS, let's default to enabled for both Mesa and
the X server, and if you do something else and it breaks then you get
to keep the pieces.

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