From: Roland Scheidegger <>

The motivation actually was to get rid of the additional tex
instruction, since that requires the draw fallback code to intercept
all sampler / view calls (even if the fallback is never hit).
Basically, the idea is to use coverage of the pixel to calculate
the alpha value, and coverage is simply based on the distance
to the center of the line (in both line direction, which is useful
for wide lines, as well as perpendicular to the line).
This is much closer to what hw supporting this natively actually does.
It also fixes an issue with line width not quite being correct, as
well as endpoints getting stretched too far (in line direction) with
wide lines, which is apparent with mesa demo line-width.
(For llvmpipe, it would probably make sense to do something like this
directly when drawing lines, since rendering two tris is twice as
expensive as a line, but it would need some changes with state
Since we're no longer relying on mipmapping to get the alpha value,
we also don't need to draw 3 rects (6 tris), one is sufficient.

There's still issues (as before):
- quite sure it's not correct without half_pixel_center, but can't test
this with GL.
- aaline + line stipple is incorrect (evident with line-width demo).
Looking at the spec the stipple pattern should actually be based on
distance (not just dx or dy for x/y major lines as without aa).
- outputs (other than pos + the one used for line aa) should be
reinterpolated since we actually increase line length by half a pixel
(but there's no tests which would care).
 src/gallium/auxiliary/draw/draw_pipe_aaline.c | 532 +++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 131 insertions(+), 401 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gallium/auxiliary/draw/draw_pipe_aaline.c 
index a859dbc..b490a50 100644
--- a/src/gallium/auxiliary/draw/draw_pipe_aaline.c
+++ b/src/gallium/auxiliary/draw/draw_pipe_aaline.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- * Copyright 2007 VMware, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2007-2018 VMware, Inc.
  * All Rights Reserved.
  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
- * AA line stage:  AA lines are converted to texture mapped triangles.
+ * AA line stage:  AA lines are converted triangles (with extra generic)
  * Authors:  Brian Paul
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
 #include "util/u_format.h"
 #include "util/u_math.h"
 #include "util/u_memory.h"
-#include "util/u_sampler.h"
 #include "tgsi/tgsi_transform.h"
 #include "tgsi/tgsi_dump.h"
@@ -55,19 +54,6 @@
- * Size for the alpha texture used for antialiasing
- */
-#define TEXTURE_SIZE_LOG2  5   /* 32 x 32 */
- * Max texture level for the alpha texture used for antialiasing
- *
- * Don't use the 1x1 and 2x2 mipmap levels.
- */
  * Subclass of pipe_shader_state to carry extra fragment shader info.
 struct aaline_fragment_shader
@@ -75,8 +61,7 @@ struct aaline_fragment_shader
    struct pipe_shader_state state;
    void *driver_fs;
    void *aaline_fs;
-   uint sampler_unit;
-   int generic_attrib;  /**< texcoord/generic used for texture */
+   int generic_attrib;  /**< generic used for distance */
@@ -89,26 +74,16 @@ struct aaline_stage
    float half_line_width;
-   /** For AA lines, this is the vertex attrib slot for the new texcoords */
-   uint tex_slot;
+   /** For AA lines, this is the vertex attrib slot for new generic */
+   uint coord_slot;
    /** position, not necessarily output zero */
    uint pos_slot;
-   void *sampler_cso;
-   struct pipe_resource *texture;
-   struct pipe_sampler_view *sampler_view;
-   uint num_samplers;
-   uint num_sampler_views;
     * Currently bound state
    struct aaline_fragment_shader *fs;
-   struct {
-      void *sampler[PIPE_MAX_SAMPLERS];
-      struct pipe_sampler_view *sampler_views[PIPE_MAX_SHADER_SAMPLER_VIEWS];
-   } state;
     * Driver interface/override functions
@@ -117,15 +92,6 @@ struct aaline_stage
                                     const struct pipe_shader_state *);
    void (*driver_bind_fs_state)(struct pipe_context *, void *);
    void (*driver_delete_fs_state)(struct pipe_context *, void *);
-   void (*driver_bind_sampler_states)(struct pipe_context *,
-                                      enum pipe_shader_type, unsigned,
-                                      unsigned, void **);
-   void (*driver_set_sampler_views)(struct pipe_context *,
-                                    enum pipe_shader_type shader,
-                                    unsigned start, unsigned count,
-                                    struct pipe_sampler_view **);
@@ -136,41 +102,38 @@ struct aaline_stage
 struct aa_transform_context {
    struct tgsi_transform_context base;
-   uint tempsUsed;  /**< bitmask */
+   uint64_t tempsUsed;  /**< bitmask */
    int colorOutput; /**< which output is the primary color */
-   uint samplersUsed;  /**< bitfield of samplers used */
-   bool hasSview;
-   int freeSampler;  /** an available sampler for the pstipple */
    int maxInput, maxGeneric;  /**< max input index found */
-   int colorTemp, texTemp;  /**< temp registers */
+   int colorTemp, aaTemp;  /**< temp registers */
+   int num_imm, aa_imm;
+static void
+aa_transform_immediate(struct tgsi_transform_context *ctx,
+                       struct tgsi_full_immediate *imm)
+   struct aa_transform_context *aactx = (struct aa_transform_context *)ctx;
+   ctx->emit_immediate(ctx, imm);
+   aactx->num_imm++;
  * TGSI declaration transform callback.
- * Look for a free sampler, a free input attrib, and two free temp regs.
+ * Look for a free input attrib, and two free temp regs.
 static void
 aa_transform_decl(struct tgsi_transform_context *ctx,
                   struct tgsi_full_declaration *decl)
-   struct aa_transform_context *aactx = (struct aa_transform_context *) ctx;
+   struct aa_transform_context *aactx = (struct aa_transform_context *)ctx;
    if (decl->Declaration.File == TGSI_FILE_OUTPUT &&
        decl->Semantic.Name == TGSI_SEMANTIC_COLOR &&
        decl->Semantic.Index == 0) {
       aactx->colorOutput = decl->Range.First;
-   else if (decl->Declaration.File == TGSI_FILE_SAMPLER) {
-      uint i;
-      for (i = decl->Range.First;
-           i <= decl->Range.Last; i++) {
-         aactx->samplersUsed |= 1u << i;
-      }
-   }
-   else if (decl->Declaration.File == TGSI_FILE_SAMPLER_VIEW) {
-      aactx->hasSview = true;
-   }
    else if (decl->Declaration.File == TGSI_FILE_INPUT) {
       if ((int) decl->Range.Last > aactx->maxInput)
          aactx->maxInput = decl->Range.Last;
@@ -183,7 +146,10 @@ aa_transform_decl(struct tgsi_transform_context *ctx,
       uint i;
       for (i = decl->Range.First;
            i <= decl->Range.Last; i++) {
-         aactx->tempsUsed |= (1 << i);
+         /*
+          * XXX this bitfield doesn't cut it...
+          */
+         aactx->tempsUsed |= (1ULL << i);
@@ -192,16 +158,6 @@ aa_transform_decl(struct tgsi_transform_context *ctx,
- * Find the lowest zero bit in the given word, or -1 if bitfield is all ones.
- */
-static int
-free_bit(uint bitfield)
-   return ffs(~bitfield) - 1;
  * TGSI transform prolog callback.
 static void
@@ -210,49 +166,32 @@ aa_transform_prolog(struct tgsi_transform_context *ctx)
    struct aa_transform_context *aactx = (struct aa_transform_context *) ctx;
    uint i;
-   STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(aactx->samplersUsed) * 8 >= PIPE_MAX_SAMPLERS);
-   /* find free sampler */
-   aactx->freeSampler = free_bit(aactx->samplersUsed);
-   if (aactx->freeSampler < 0 || aactx->freeSampler >= PIPE_MAX_SAMPLERS)
-      aactx->freeSampler = PIPE_MAX_SAMPLERS - 1;
    /* find two free temp regs */
-   for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
+   for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
       if ((aactx->tempsUsed & (1 << i)) == 0) {
       /* found a free temp */
       if (aactx->colorTemp < 0)
          aactx->colorTemp  = i;
-      else if (aactx->texTemp < 0)
-         aactx->texTemp  = i;
+      else if (aactx->aaTemp < 0)
+         aactx->aaTemp  = i;
    assert(aactx->colorTemp >= 0);
-   assert(aactx->texTemp >= 0);
+   assert(aactx->aaTemp >= 0);
+   aactx->aa_imm = aactx->num_imm;
+   tgsi_transform_immediate_decl(ctx, 1, 1, 1, 1);
    /* declare new generic input/texcoord */
    tgsi_transform_input_decl(ctx, aactx->maxInput + 1,
                              TGSI_SEMANTIC_GENERIC, aactx->maxGeneric + 1,
-   /* declare new sampler */
-   tgsi_transform_sampler_decl(ctx, aactx->freeSampler);
-   /* if the src shader has SVIEW decl's for each SAMP decl, we
-    * need to continue the trend and ensure there is a matching
-    * SVIEW for the new SAMP we just created
-    */
-   if (aactx->hasSview) {
-      tgsi_transform_sampler_view_decl(ctx,
-                                       aactx->freeSampler,
-                                       TGSI_TEXTURE_2D,
-                                       TGSI_RETURN_TYPE_FLOAT);
-   }
    /* declare new temp regs */
-   tgsi_transform_temp_decl(ctx, aactx->texTemp);
+   tgsi_transform_temp_decl(ctx, aactx->aaTemp);
    tgsi_transform_temp_decl(ctx, aactx->colorTemp);
@@ -266,13 +205,56 @@ aa_transform_epilog(struct tgsi_transform_context *ctx)
    struct aa_transform_context *aactx = (struct aa_transform_context *) ctx;
    if (aactx->colorOutput != -1) {
+      struct tgsi_full_instruction inst;
       /* insert texture sampling code for antialiasing. */
-      /* TEX texTemp, input_coord, sampler, 2D */
-      tgsi_transform_tex_inst(ctx,
-                              TGSI_FILE_TEMPORARY, aactx->texTemp,
-                              TGSI_FILE_INPUT, aactx->maxInput + 1,
-                              TGSI_TEXTURE_2D, aactx->freeSampler);
+      /* linewidth - fabs(interpx), linelength - fabs(interpz) */
+      inst = tgsi_default_full_instruction();
+      inst.Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_ADD;
+      inst.Instruction.NumDstRegs = 1;
+      tgsi_transform_dst_reg(&inst.Dst[0], TGSI_FILE_TEMPORARY,
+                             aactx->aaTemp, TGSI_WRITEMASK_XZ);
+      inst.Instruction.NumSrcRegs = 2;
+      tgsi_transform_src_reg(&inst.Src[0], TGSI_FILE_INPUT, aactx->maxInput + 
+                             TGSI_SWIZZLE_Y, TGSI_SWIZZLE_Y,
+                             TGSI_SWIZZLE_W, TGSI_SWIZZLE_W);
+      tgsi_transform_src_reg(&inst.Src[1], TGSI_FILE_INPUT, aactx->maxInput + 
+                             TGSI_SWIZZLE_X, TGSI_SWIZZLE_X,
+                             TGSI_SWIZZLE_Z, TGSI_SWIZZLE_Z);
+      inst.Src[1].Register.Absolute = true;
+      inst.Src[1].Register.Negate = true;
+      ctx->emit_instruction(ctx, &inst);
+      /* saturate(1 + res) */
+      inst = tgsi_default_full_instruction();
+      inst.Instruction.Saturate = true;
+      inst.Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_ADD;
+      inst.Instruction.NumDstRegs = 1;
+      tgsi_transform_dst_reg(&inst.Dst[0], TGSI_FILE_TEMPORARY,
+                             aactx->aaTemp, TGSI_WRITEMASK_XZ);
+      inst.Instruction.NumSrcRegs = 2;
+      tgsi_transform_src_reg(&inst.Src[0], TGSI_FILE_TEMPORARY, aactx->aaTemp,
+                             TGSI_SWIZZLE_X, TGSI_SWIZZLE_X,
+                             TGSI_SWIZZLE_Z, TGSI_SWIZZLE_Z);
+      tgsi_transform_src_reg(&inst.Src[1], TGSI_FILE_IMMEDIATE, aactx->aa_imm,
+                             TGSI_SWIZZLE_X, TGSI_SWIZZLE_X,
+                             TGSI_SWIZZLE_X, TGSI_SWIZZLE_X);
+      ctx->emit_instruction(ctx, &inst);
+      /* MUL width / height alpha */
+      inst = tgsi_default_full_instruction();
+      inst.Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_MUL;
+      inst.Instruction.NumDstRegs = 1;
+      tgsi_transform_dst_reg(&inst.Dst[0], TGSI_FILE_TEMPORARY,
+                             aactx->aaTemp, TGSI_WRITEMASK_W);
+      inst.Instruction.NumSrcRegs = 2;
+      tgsi_transform_src_reg(&inst.Src[0], TGSI_FILE_TEMPORARY, aactx->aaTemp,
+                             TGSI_SWIZZLE_X, TGSI_SWIZZLE_X,
+                             TGSI_SWIZZLE_X, TGSI_SWIZZLE_X);
+      tgsi_transform_src_reg(&inst.Src[1], TGSI_FILE_TEMPORARY, aactx->aaTemp,
+                             TGSI_SWIZZLE_Z, TGSI_SWIZZLE_Z,
+                             TGSI_SWIZZLE_Z, TGSI_SWIZZLE_Z);
+      ctx->emit_instruction(ctx, &inst);
       /* MOV rgb */
       tgsi_transform_op1_inst(ctx, TGSI_OPCODE_MOV,
@@ -285,7 +267,7 @@ aa_transform_epilog(struct tgsi_transform_context *ctx)
                               TGSI_FILE_OUTPUT, aactx->colorOutput,
                               TGSI_FILE_TEMPORARY, aactx->colorTemp,
-                              TGSI_FILE_TEMPORARY, aactx->texTemp, false);
+                              TGSI_FILE_TEMPORARY, aactx->aaTemp, false);
@@ -319,7 +301,7 @@ aa_transform_inst(struct tgsi_transform_context *ctx,
  * Generate the frag shader we'll use for drawing AA lines.
- * This will be the user's shader plus some texture/modulate instructions.
+ * This will be the user's shader plus some arithmetic instructions.
 static boolean
 generate_aaline_fs(struct aaline_stage *aaline)
@@ -340,11 +322,12 @@ generate_aaline_fs(struct aaline_stage *aaline)
    transform.maxInput = -1;
    transform.maxGeneric = -1;
    transform.colorTemp = -1;
-   transform.texTemp = -1;
+   transform.aaTemp = -1;
    transform.base.prolog = aa_transform_prolog;
    transform.base.epilog = aa_transform_epilog;
    transform.base.transform_instruction = aa_transform_inst;
    transform.base.transform_declaration = aa_transform_decl;
+   transform.base.transform_immediate = aa_transform_immediate;
                          (struct tgsi_token *) aaline_fs.tokens,
@@ -357,8 +340,6 @@ generate_aaline_fs(struct aaline_stage *aaline)
    tgsi_dump(aaline_fs.tokens, 0);
-   aaline->fs->sampler_unit = transform.freeSampler;
    aaline->fs->aaline_fs = aaline->driver_create_fs_state(pipe, &aaline_fs);
    if (aaline->fs->aaline_fs == NULL)
       goto fail;
@@ -374,125 +355,6 @@ fail:
- * Create the texture map we'll use for antialiasing the lines.
- */
-static boolean
-aaline_create_texture(struct aaline_stage *aaline)
-   struct pipe_context *pipe = aaline->stage.draw->pipe;
-   struct pipe_screen *screen = pipe->screen;
-   struct pipe_resource texTemp;
-   struct pipe_sampler_view viewTempl;
-   uint level;
-   memset(&texTemp, 0, sizeof(texTemp));
-   texTemp.format = PIPE_FORMAT_A8_UNORM; /* XXX verify supported by driver! */
-   texTemp.last_level = MAX_TEXTURE_LEVEL;
-   texTemp.width0 = 1 << TEXTURE_SIZE_LOG2;
-   texTemp.height0 = 1 << TEXTURE_SIZE_LOG2;
-   texTemp.depth0 = 1;
-   texTemp.array_size = 1;
-   texTemp.bind = PIPE_BIND_SAMPLER_VIEW;
-   aaline->texture = screen->resource_create(screen, &texTemp);
-   if (!aaline->texture)
-      return FALSE;
-   u_sampler_view_default_template(&viewTempl,
-                                   aaline->texture,
-                                   aaline->texture->format);
-   aaline->sampler_view = pipe->create_sampler_view(pipe,
-                                                    aaline->texture,
-                                                    &viewTempl);
-   if (!aaline->sampler_view) {
-      return FALSE;
-   }
-   /* Fill in mipmap images.
-    * Basically each level is solid opaque, except for the outermost
-    * texels which are zero.  Special case the 1x1 and 2x2 levels
-    * (though, those levels shouldn't be used - see the max_lod setting).
-    */
-   for (level = 0; level <= MAX_TEXTURE_LEVEL; level++) {
-      struct pipe_transfer *transfer;
-      struct pipe_box box;
-      const uint size = u_minify(aaline->texture->width0, level);
-      ubyte *data;
-      uint i, j;
-      assert(aaline->texture->width0 == aaline->texture->height0);
-      u_box_origin_2d(size, size, &box);
-      /* This texture is new, no need to flush.
-       */
-      data = pipe->transfer_map(pipe,
-                                aaline->texture,
-                                level,
-                                PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE,
-                                &box, &transfer);
-      if (!data)
-         return FALSE;
-      for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-         for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
-            ubyte d;
-            if (size == 1) {
-               d = 255;
-            }
-            else if (size == 2) {
-               d = 200; /* tuneable */
-            }
-            else if (i == 0 || j == 0 || i == size - 1 || j == size - 1) {
-               d = 35;  /* edge texel */
-            }
-            else {
-               d = 255;
-            }
-            data[i * transfer->stride + j] = d;
-         }
-      }
-      /* unmap */
-      pipe->transfer_unmap(pipe, transfer);
-   }
-   return TRUE;
- * Create the sampler CSO that'll be used for antialiasing.
- * By using a mipmapped texture, we don't have to generate a different
- * texture image for each line size.
- */
-static boolean
-aaline_create_sampler(struct aaline_stage *aaline)
-   struct pipe_sampler_state sampler;
-   struct pipe_context *pipe = aaline->stage.draw->pipe;
-   memset(&sampler, 0, sizeof(sampler));
-   sampler.wrap_s = PIPE_TEX_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
-   sampler.wrap_t = PIPE_TEX_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
-   sampler.wrap_r = PIPE_TEX_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
-   sampler.min_mip_filter = PIPE_TEX_MIPFILTER_LINEAR;
-   sampler.min_img_filter = PIPE_TEX_FILTER_LINEAR;
-   sampler.mag_img_filter = PIPE_TEX_FILTER_LINEAR;
-   sampler.normalized_coords = 1;
-   sampler.min_lod = 0.0f;
-   sampler.max_lod = MAX_TEXTURE_LEVEL;
-   aaline->sampler_cso = pipe->create_sampler_state(pipe, &sampler);
-   if (aaline->sampler_cso == NULL)
-      return FALSE;
-   return TRUE;
  * When we're about to draw our first AA line in a batch, this function is
  * called to tell the driver to bind our modified fragment shader.
@@ -532,112 +394,87 @@ aaline_line(struct draw_stage *stage, struct prim_header 
    const float half_width = aaline->half_line_width;
    struct prim_header tri;
    struct vertex_header *v[8];
-   uint texPos = aaline->tex_slot;
+   uint coordPos = aaline->coord_slot;
    uint posPos = aaline->pos_slot;
    float *pos, *tex;
    float dx = header->v[1]->data[posPos][0] - header->v[0]->data[posPos][0];
    float dy = header->v[1]->data[posPos][1] - header->v[0]->data[posPos][1];
    double a = atan2(dy, dx);
    float c_a = (float) cos(a), s_a = (float) sin(a);
+   float half_length;
+   float t_l, t_w;
    uint i;
-   /* XXX the ends of lines aren't quite perfect yet, but probably passable */
-   dx = 0.5F * half_width;
-   dy = half_width;
+   half_length = sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy) / 2.0f + 0.5f;
+   t_w = half_width;
+   t_l = 0.5f;
    /* allocate/dup new verts */
-   for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
-      v[i] = dup_vert(stage, header->v[i/4], i);
+   for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+      v[i] = dup_vert(stage, header->v[i/2], i);
     * Quad strip for line from v0 to v1 (*=endpoints):
-    *  1   3                     5   7
-    *  +---+---------------------+---+
+    *  1                             3
+    *  +-----------------------------+
     *  |                             |
     *  | *v0                     v1* |
     *  |                             |
-    *  +---+---------------------+---+
-    *  0   2                     4   6
+    *  +-----------------------------+
+    *  0                             2
+    */
+   /*
+    * We increase line length by 0.5 pixels (at each endpoint),
+    * and calculate the tri endpoints by moving them half-width
+    * distance away perpendicular to the line.
+    * XXX: since we change line endpoints (by 0.5 pixel), should
+    * actually re-interpolate all other values?
    /* new verts */
    pos = v[0]->data[posPos];
-   pos[0] += (-dx * c_a -  dy * s_a);
-   pos[1] += (-dx * s_a +  dy * c_a);
+   pos[0] += (-t_l * c_a -  t_w * s_a);
+   pos[1] += (-t_l * s_a +  t_w * c_a);
    pos = v[1]->data[posPos];
-   pos[0] += (-dx * c_a - -dy * s_a);
-   pos[1] += (-dx * s_a + -dy * c_a);
+   pos[0] += (-t_l * c_a - -t_w * s_a);
+   pos[1] += (-t_l * s_a + -t_w * c_a);
    pos = v[2]->data[posPos];
-   pos[0] += (dx * c_a -  dy * s_a);
-   pos[1] += (dx * s_a +  dy * c_a);
+   pos[0] += (t_l * c_a -  t_w * s_a);
+   pos[1] += (t_l * s_a +  t_w * c_a);
    pos = v[3]->data[posPos];
-   pos[0] += (dx * c_a - -dy * s_a);
-   pos[1] += (dx * s_a + -dy * c_a);
-   pos = v[4]->data[posPos];
-   pos[0] += (-dx * c_a -  dy * s_a);
-   pos[1] += (-dx * s_a +  dy * c_a);
-   pos = v[5]->data[posPos];
-   pos[0] += (-dx * c_a - -dy * s_a);
-   pos[1] += (-dx * s_a + -dy * c_a);
-   pos = v[6]->data[posPos];
-   pos[0] += (dx * c_a -  dy * s_a);
-   pos[1] += (dx * s_a +  dy * c_a);
-   pos = v[7]->data[posPos];
-   pos[0] += (dx * c_a - -dy * s_a);
-   pos[1] += (dx * s_a + -dy * c_a);
+   pos[0] += (t_l * c_a - -t_w * s_a);
+   pos[1] += (t_l * s_a + -t_w * c_a);
    /* new texcoords */
-   tex = v[0]->data[texPos];
-   ASSIGN_4V(tex, 0, 0, 0, 1);
-   tex = v[1]->data[texPos];
-   ASSIGN_4V(tex, 0, 1, 0, 1);
-   tex = v[2]->data[texPos];
-   ASSIGN_4V(tex, .5, 0, 0, 1);
-   tex = v[3]->data[texPos];
-   ASSIGN_4V(tex, .5, 1, 0, 1);
-   tex = v[4]->data[texPos];
-   ASSIGN_4V(tex, .5, 0, 0, 1);
+   tex = v[0]->data[coordPos];
+   /* XXX need to adjust for pixel center? */
+   ASSIGN_4V(tex, -half_width, half_width - 1.0f,
+             -half_length, half_length - 1.0f);
-   tex = v[5]->data[texPos];
-   ASSIGN_4V(tex, .5, 1, 0, 1);
+   tex = v[1]->data[coordPos];
+   ASSIGN_4V(tex, half_width, half_width - 1.0f,
+             -half_length, half_length - 1.0f);
-   tex = v[6]->data[texPos];
-   ASSIGN_4V(tex, 1, 0, 0, 1);
+   tex = v[2]->data[coordPos];
+   ASSIGN_4V(tex, -half_width, half_width - 1.0f,
+             half_length, half_length - 1.0f);
-   tex = v[7]->data[texPos];
-   ASSIGN_4V(tex, 1, 1, 0, 1);
+   tex = v[3]->data[coordPos];
+   ASSIGN_4V(tex, half_width, half_width - 1.0f,
+             half_length, half_length - 1.0f);
-   /* emit 6 tris for the quad strip */
    tri.v[0] = v[2];  tri.v[1] = v[1];  tri.v[2] = v[0];
    stage->next->tri(stage->next, &tri);
    tri.v[0] = v[3];  tri.v[1] = v[1];  tri.v[2] = v[2];
    stage->next->tri(stage->next, &tri);
-   tri.v[0] = v[4];  tri.v[1] = v[3];  tri.v[2] = v[2];
-   stage->next->tri(stage->next, &tri);
-   tri.v[0] = v[5];  tri.v[1] = v[3];  tri.v[2] = v[4];
-   stage->next->tri(stage->next, &tri);
-   tri.v[0] = v[6];  tri.v[1] = v[5];  tri.v[2] = v[4];
-   stage->next->tri(stage->next, &tri);
-   tri.v[0] = v[7];  tri.v[1] = v[5];  tri.v[2] = v[6];
-   stage->next->tri(stage->next, &tri);
@@ -648,19 +485,17 @@ aaline_first_line(struct draw_stage *stage, struct 
prim_header *header)
    struct draw_context *draw = stage->draw;
    struct pipe_context *pipe = draw->pipe;
    const struct pipe_rasterizer_state *rast = draw->rasterizer;
-   uint num_samplers;
-   uint num_sampler_views;
    void *r;
-   if (draw->rasterizer->line_width <= 2.2)
-      aaline->half_line_width = 1.1f;
+   if (draw->rasterizer->line_width <= 1.0)
+      aaline->half_line_width = 1.0;
-      aaline->half_line_width = 0.5f * draw->rasterizer->line_width;
+      aaline->half_line_width = 0.5f * draw->rasterizer->line_width + 0.5f;
-    * Bind (generate) our fragprog, sampler and texture
+    * Bind (generate) our fragprog
    if (!bind_aaline_fragment_shader(aaline)) {
       stage->line = draw_pipe_passthrough_line;
@@ -670,23 +505,8 @@ aaline_first_line(struct draw_stage *stage, struct 
prim_header *header)
    draw_aaline_prepare_outputs(draw, draw->pipeline.aaline);
-   /* how many samplers? */
-   /* we'll use sampler/texture[aaline->sampler_unit] for the alpha texture */
-   num_samplers = MAX2(aaline->num_samplers, aaline->fs->sampler_unit + 1);
-   num_sampler_views = MAX2(num_samplers, aaline->num_sampler_views);
-   aaline->state.sampler[aaline->fs->sampler_unit] = aaline->sampler_cso;
-                               aaline->sampler_view);
    draw->suspend_flushing = TRUE;
-   aaline->driver_bind_sampler_states(pipe, PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT, 0,
-                                      num_samplers, aaline->state.sampler);
-   aaline->driver_set_sampler_views(pipe, PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT, 0,
-                                    num_sampler_views, 
    /* Disable triangle culling, stippling, unfilled mode etc. */
    r = draw_get_rasterizer_no_cull(draw, rast->scissor, rast->flatshade);
    pipe->bind_rasterizer_state(pipe, r);
@@ -709,18 +529,10 @@ aaline_flush(struct draw_stage *stage, unsigned flags)
    stage->line = aaline_first_line;
    stage->next->flush(stage->next, flags);
-   /* restore original frag shader, texture, sampler state */
+   /* restore original frag shader */
    draw->suspend_flushing = TRUE;
    aaline->driver_bind_fs_state(pipe, aaline->fs ? aaline->fs->driver_fs : 
-   aaline->driver_bind_sampler_states(pipe, PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT, 0,
-                                      aaline->num_samplers,
-                                      aaline->state.sampler);
-   aaline->driver_set_sampler_views(pipe, PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT, 0,
-                                    aaline->num_samplers,
-                                    aaline->state.sampler_views);
    /* restore original rasterizer state */
    if (draw->rast_handle) {
       pipe->bind_rasterizer_state(pipe, draw->rast_handle);
@@ -744,21 +556,6 @@ aaline_destroy(struct draw_stage *stage)
    struct aaline_stage *aaline = aaline_stage(stage);
    struct pipe_context *pipe = stage->draw->pipe;
-   uint i;
-   for (i = 0; i < PIPE_MAX_SHADER_SAMPLER_VIEWS; i++) {
-      pipe_sampler_view_reference(&aaline->state.sampler_views[i], NULL);
-   }
-   if (aaline->sampler_cso)
-      pipe->delete_sampler_state(pipe, aaline->sampler_cso);
-   if (aaline->texture)
-      pipe_resource_reference(&aaline->texture, NULL);
-   if (aaline->sampler_view) {
-      pipe_sampler_view_reference(&aaline->sampler_view, NULL);
-   }
@@ -767,9 +564,6 @@ aaline_destroy(struct draw_stage *stage)
    pipe->bind_fs_state = aaline->driver_bind_fs_state;
    pipe->delete_fs_state = aaline->driver_delete_fs_state;
-   pipe->bind_sampler_states = aaline->driver_bind_sampler_states;
-   pipe->set_sampler_views = aaline->driver_set_sampler_views;
@@ -884,57 +678,6 @@ aaline_delete_fs_state(struct pipe_context *pipe, void *fs)
-static void
-aaline_bind_sampler_states(struct pipe_context *pipe,
-                           enum pipe_shader_type shader,
-                           unsigned start, unsigned num, void **sampler)
-   struct aaline_stage *aaline = aaline_stage_from_pipe(pipe);
-   assert(start == 0);
-   if (!aaline) {
-      return;
-   }
-   if (shader == PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT) {
-      /* save current */
-      memcpy(aaline->state.sampler, sampler, num * sizeof(void *));
-      aaline->num_samplers = num;
-   }
-   /* pass-through */
-   aaline->driver_bind_sampler_states(pipe, shader, start, num, sampler);
-static void
-aaline_set_sampler_views(struct pipe_context *pipe,
-                         enum pipe_shader_type shader,
-                         unsigned start, unsigned num,
-                         struct pipe_sampler_view **views)
-   struct aaline_stage *aaline = aaline_stage_from_pipe(pipe);
-   uint i;
-   if (!aaline) {
-      return;
-   }
-   if (shader == PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT) {
-      /* save current */
-      for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
-         pipe_sampler_view_reference(&aaline->state.sampler_views[start + i],
-                                     views[i]);
-      }
-      aaline->num_sampler_views = num;
-   }
-   /* pass-through */
-   aaline->driver_set_sampler_views(pipe, shader, start, num, views);
 draw_aaline_prepare_outputs(struct draw_context *draw,
                             struct draw_stage *stage)
@@ -949,7 +692,7 @@ draw_aaline_prepare_outputs(struct draw_context *draw,
    /* allocate the extra post-transformed vertex attribute */
-   aaline->tex_slot = draw_alloc_extra_vertex_attrib(draw,
+   aaline->coord_slot = draw_alloc_extra_vertex_attrib(draw,
@@ -978,24 +721,11 @@ draw_install_aaline_stage(struct draw_context *draw, 
struct pipe_context *pipe)
    aaline->driver_bind_fs_state = pipe->bind_fs_state;
    aaline->driver_delete_fs_state = pipe->delete_fs_state;
-   aaline->driver_bind_sampler_states = pipe->bind_sampler_states;
-   aaline->driver_set_sampler_views = pipe->set_sampler_views;
-   /* create special texture, sampler state */
-   if (!aaline_create_texture(aaline))
-      goto fail;
-   if (!aaline_create_sampler(aaline))
-      goto fail;
    /* override the driver's functions */
    pipe->create_fs_state = aaline_create_fs_state;
    pipe->bind_fs_state = aaline_bind_fs_state;
    pipe->delete_fs_state = aaline_delete_fs_state;
-   pipe->bind_sampler_states = aaline_bind_sampler_states;
-   pipe->set_sampler_views = aaline_set_sampler_views;
    /* Install once everything is known to be OK:
    draw->pipeline.aaline = &aaline->stage;

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