2017-11-15 19:32 GMT+09:00 Nicolai Hähnle <nhaeh...@gmail.com>:
> Not sure if it's just my client, but all the nice ASCII art got messed up
> unfortunately :/
> On 14.11.2017 21:21, Mun, Gwan-gyeong wrote:
>> +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
>>    |                                 [Tizen Window System Architecture]
>>                                |
>>    |
>>                                |
>>    |
>>                                |
>>    |
>>                                |
>>    |                  +-----------------------+
>> +------------+      +------------+  |
>>    |                  | Enlightenment Display |                   |
>>         |      |   3D UI    |  |
>>    |                  |  Server for Tizen     +------------------>|
>> EvasGL   |      |   Toolkit  |  |
>>    |                  |                       |                   |
> and so on...

I'm sorry that I shared the broken ascii images.
Although when I sent the acsii image, I'd checked it on my text editor.
It has been messed. I don't know why my ascii image was broken.

therefore I attached a text file of the ascii image which describes
Tizen Window System Architecture and a relation between display server
and wayland-egl client.

>> * TBM:
>>     - Tizen Buffer Manager (TBM) provides the abstraction interface for
>> the graphic buffer manager
>>       in Tizen. [1]
>>     - Why does it needed?
>>       Because different vendors provides different user-level interface
>> for the memory manager,
>>       Tizen made TBM for supporting a common interface. refer [3], page
>> 6-8.
> So it would be possible for the TBM backend to just call into libgbm, right?

Comparing to gbm, tbm backend also calls drm apis directly. this is
example for tbm-vc4 backend.[1]

For supporting the gbm on tizen, tizen has tbm backend for the gbm. [2]
This link requires an account for review.tzein.org.
If you don't want to create an account for https://review.tizen.org,
you can refer this link [3].

[1] https://github.com/elongbug/libtbm-vc4
[3] https://github.com/elongbug/libgbm-tbm

> Cheers,
> Nicolai

Best regard,


Gwan-gyeong Mun
  |                                 [Tizen Window System Architecture]          
  |                  +-----------------------+                   +------------+ 
     +------------+  |
  |                  | Enlightenment Display |                   |            | 
     |   3D UI    |  |
  |                  |  Server for Tizen     +------------------>|   EvasGL   | 
     |   Toolkit  |  |
  |                  |                       |                   |            | 
     |            |  |
  |                  |                       |                   +-----+------+ 
     +-----+------+  |
  |                  +--+-----------------+--+                         |        
           |         |
  |                     |                 |                            v        
           |         |
  |                     |                 |                      +------------+ 
           |         |
  |                     |                 |                      | GPU Vendor | 
           |         |
  |                     |                 |                      |  GL/EGL    
|<-----------+         |
  |                     |                 |                      |  Driver    | 
  |                     |                 |                      +-----+------+ 
  |                     |                 |                            |        
  |                     v                 v                            v        
  |   +-----------------------+    +----------------------+      +------------+ 
  |   |         TDM           |    |        TBM           |      |            | 
  |   |(Tizen Display Manager)+--->|(Tizen Buffer Manager)|<-----|   TPL-EGL  | 
  |   |                       |    |                      |      |            | 
  |   +-----------------------+    +----------------------+      +------------+ 

                                < display server / wayland-egl client >

    |                             |                               |             
    |  +-----------------------+  |                               |   
+-----------------------+   |
    |  | Enlightenment Display +-------+                          |   |  
wayland-egl client   |   |
    |  |  Server for Tizen     |  |    |                          |   
+--+-------------+------+   |
    |  +----------+------------+  |    |                          |      |      
       |          |
    |             |               |    |                          |      |      
       |          |
    |             v               |    |                          |      |      
       |          |
    |  +-----------------------+  |    |                          |      |      
       |          |
    |  |     EVAS GL TBM       |  |    |                          |      |      
       |          |
    |  +----+-------------+----+  |    |                          |      |      
       |          |
    |       |             |       |    |                          |      |      
       |          |
    |       |             v       |    |                          |      v      
       v          |
    |       |        +---------+  |    |    +--------------+      |   +-----+   
+-------------+   |
    |       |        |   EGL   +-------|--->|  GPU Vendor  |<---------+ EGL |   
| wayland-egl |   |
    |       |        +----+----+  |    |    |  GL Driver   |      |   +--+--+   
+---+---------+   |
    |       |             |       |    |    +--------------+      |      |      
    |      ^      |
    |       v             v       |    |                          |      v      
    v      |      |
    |  +---------+   +---------+  |    |    +--------------+      |   
+--------------------+--+   |
    |  |   TBM   |<--+ TPL-EGL +-------|--->| wayland-tbm  |<---------+        
TPL-EGL        |   |
    |  +---------+   +---------+  |    |    +--------------+      |   
+-----------------------+   |
    |                             |    |            ^             |             
    |                             |    |            |             |             
    +-----------------------------+    +------------+             
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