Quoting Aaron Watry (2017-11-03 19:51:49)
> On an unrelated note, I also had to remove the LLVM minimum version
> check temporarily, otherwise I get llvm version parsing errors from
> 6.0.0svn at the following line:
>  dep_llvm = dependency(
>   'llvm', version : '>= 3.9.0', required : with_amd_vk, modules :
> llvm_modules,
>  )
> Error:
> Meson encountered an error in file meson.build, line 844, column 0:
> Invalid version to compare against: '6.0.0svn'; only numeric digits
> separated by "." are allowed: invalid literal for int() with base 10:
> '0svn'
> Right after that dependency check, we try to strip the 'svn' from the
> llvm version, but at that point, we've already errored out.
> --Aaron

We have a hack in mesa for this (but like all hacks it only sorta works), but
meson 0.43.1 will have a fix to handle the svn string in the version internally.


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