On 12/04/17 18:57, Nirbheek Chauhan wrote:
Hi Jose,
On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 11:08 PM, Jose Fonseca <jfons...@vmware.com> wrote:
One newbie question: what's your workflow to update a wrap patch? Can we
prototype changes locally without tarballing the patch?
Any changes you make in subproject directories will be kept as-is;
Meson only initializes them and will not try to update them (yet), so
you can apply your patches to the subproject directory manually for
In the future, we want to improve this workflow, of course.
Hi Dylan,
FYI I didn't forget about this. But I have to say that having to
maintain and fix these wrap modules seperately from git is simply a huge
turn off everytime I think about resuming this.
I think it's was a mistake to try to make meson wrap modules for 3rd
party dependencies. Especially when these wrap modules involve glue
that's not tracked in git, so it can't be esasily revved, or shared
across the people working on this. If we simply had a way to consumed
built binaries like we can easily do with cmake, I'm confident it would
have been trivial to get this going by now.
But as it stands I don't think overcome this wall. Honestly, I don't
want have to deal with porting glew/freeglut to meson just to get
mesademos with meson, and I really shouldn't have to. I don't want to
build the world just mesademos.
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