Kai <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
 Attachment #130866|0                           |1
        is obsolete|                            |

--- Comment #26 from Kai <> ---
Created attachment 133974
Planests look good now

I can confirm, that the rendering of the planets has improved significantly
with the stack detailed below (see attached screenshot), but it's still off
from attachment 133972. Though the version I'm now uploading here might
actually be how it is now intended to be rendered. A quick YouTube search for
gameplay from this game version showed the blueish highlights on the dark side
of the planet in almost all instances I've found. (See eg.
<> for some footage from an official
channel.) Therefore I think this bug report should be closed.

Game version: 1.6.2 (d7ec)

The full stack used (fully updated Debian testing as a base) was:
GPU: Hawaii PRO [Radeon R9 290] (ChipID = 0x67b1)
Mesa: Git:master/39a69f0692
libdrm: 2.4.82-1
LLVM: SVN:trunk/r312520 (6.0 devel)
X.Org: 2:1.19.3-2
Linux: 4.12.10
Firmware (firmware-amd-graphics): 20170823-1
libclc: Git:master/7331b0a1fa
DDX (xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu): 1.3.0-1

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