Tapani Pälli <tapani.pa...@intel.com> writes:

> On 06/22/2017 02:08 AM, Eric Anholt wrote:
>> Tapani Pälli <tapani.pa...@intel.com> writes:
>>> On 06/14/2017 01:12 AM, Eric Anholt wrote:
>>>> Tapani Pälli <tapani.pa...@intel.com> writes:
>>>>> On 06/12/2017 09:52 AM, Tapani Pälli wrote:
>>>>>> On 05/18/2017 09:39 PM, Eric Anholt wrote:
>>>>>>> Eric Anholt <e...@anholt.net> writes:
>>>>>>>> This series came out of fixing dEQP failures on vc4's GLES2 context.
>>>>>>>> Mesa was allowing RGB565 textures, which is only valid with
>>>>>>>> GL_OES_required_internalformat.  Rather than disable RGB565, I decided
>>>>>>>> the extension was easy enough to support.
>>>>>>>> I've sent one piglit test for renderbuffer sizing, and dEQP has tests
>>>>>>>> for whether enums get accepted for TexImage.
>>>>>>>> There's a functional question in patch #2, see the comment there, and
>>>>>>>> there's a question of whether the extension should be dummy_true in
>>>>>>>> patch #5.
>>>>>>>> branch: https://github.com/anholt/mesa/commits/required-internalformat
>>>>>>> I would still love review on this series.
>>>>>> Earlier I took a brief look at series and run through our CI, there were
>>>>>> many failing tests but t seems I forgot to reply/report .. I'll run it
>>>>>> again and let you know what's the result.
>>>>> '36 failures' (many likely duplicates of some same issue), these ones ..
>>>>> ES3-CTS.functional.fbo.completeness.renderable.texture.stencil.rgb10.bdwm64
>>>>> ES3-CTS.gtf.GL3Tests.packed_pixels.packed_pixels_pbo.bdwm64
>>>>> ES3-CTS.gtf.GL3Tests.packed_pixels.packed_pixels_pixelstore.hswm64
>>>>> ES3-CTS.functional.fbo.completeness.renderable.texture.stencil.rgb10.sklm64
>>>>> ES3-CTS.gtf.GL3Tests.packed_pixels.packed_pixels_pbo.sklm64
>>>>> ES3-CTS.functional.fbo.completeness.renderable.texture.depth.rgb10.bdwm64
>>>>> ES3-CTS.gtf.GL3Tests.packed_pixels.packed_pixels_pixelstore.bdwm64
>>>>> ES3-CTS.gtf.GL3Tests.packed_pixels.packed_pixels.hswm64
>>>>> ES3-CTS.gtf.GL3Tests.packed_pixels.packed_pixels_pixelstore.sklm64
>>>>> ES3-CTS.functional.fbo.completeness.renderable.texture.color0.rgb10.hswm64
>>>>> ES3-CTS.functional.fbo.completeness.renderable.texture.depth.rgb10.hswm64
>>>>> ES3-CTS.functional.fbo.completeness.renderable.texture.stencil.rgb10.hswm64
>>>>> ES3-CTS.gtf.GL3Tests.packed_pixels.packed_pixels_pbo.hswm64
>>>>> ES3-CTS.functional.fbo.completeness.renderable.texture.color0.rgb10.bdwm64
>>>>> ES3-CTS.gtf.GL3Tests.packed_pixels.packed_pixels.bdwm64
>>>>> ES3-CTS.functional.fbo.completeness.renderable.texture.depth.rgb10.sklm64
>>>>> ES3-CTS.functional.fbo.completeness.renderable.texture.color0.rgb10.sklm64
>>>>> ES3-CTS.gtf.GL3Tests.packed_pixels.packed_pixels.sklm64
>>>>> ES2-CTS.functional.fbo.completeness.renderable.texture.depth.rgb10.bdwm64
>>>>> ES2-CTS.functional.fbo.completeness.renderable.texture.depth.rgb10.sklm64
>>>>> ES2-CTS.functional.fbo.completeness.renderable.texture.stencil.rgb10.bdwm64
>>>>> ES2-CTS.functional.fbo.completeness.renderable.texture.depth.rgb10.hswm64
>>>>> ES2-CTS.functional.fbo.completeness.renderable.texture.stencil.rgb10.hswm64
>>>>> ES2-CTS.functional.fbo.completeness.renderable.texture.stencil.rgb10.sklm64
>>>>> piglit.spec.oes_texture_float.oes_texture_float half.g965m64
>>>>> piglit.spec.oes_texture_float.oes_texture_float.g965m64
>>>>> piglit.spec.oes_texture_float.oes_texture_float half linear.g965m64
>>>>> piglit.spec.oes_texture_float.oes_texture_float linear.g965m64
>>>>> piglit.spec.oes_texture_float.oes_texture_float half.g45m64
>>>>> piglit.spec.oes_texture_float.oes_texture_float half linear.g45m64
>>>>> piglit.spec.oes_texture_float.oes_texture_float linear.g45m64
>>>>> piglit.spec.oes_texture_float.oes_texture_float.g45m64
>>>>> piglit.spec.oes_texture_float.oes_texture_float.ilkm64
>>>>> piglit.spec.oes_texture_float.oes_texture_float half linear.ilkm64
>>>>> piglit.spec.oes_texture_float.oes_texture_float half.ilkm64
>>>>> piglit.spec.oes_texture_float.oes_texture_float linear.ilkm64
>>>>> Are you able to reproduce/run these tests on some machine?
>>>> I have a SKL desktop, so I reproduced the GLES2 rgb10 failure and fixed
>>>> it, and I think I've fixed the pre-snb failures in piglit.  New branch
>>>> up at https://github.com/anholt/mesa/commits/required-internalformat
>>>> which I'll piglit now.
>>> OK, seems the packed_pixels ones are still failing. I'll try to debug
>>> this a bit to see what's going on.
>> Have you had a chance to look at this at all?  Or could you give me a
>> command line for reproducing failure?  I've gone through my VK-GL-CTS
>> tree and DEQP trees trying various test runners with various manglings
>> of the names, with no luck.
> Sorry I've forgotten this thread .. the 'CTS' ones are from Khronos 
> 'OpenGL & OpenGL ES CTS' (available in gitlab) which is run by Jenkins, 
> are you able to access that suite?

If you mean the "OpenGL & OpenGL ES Conformance Test Suite" in gitlab
(g...@gitlab.khronos.org:opengl/cts.git), that repository says:

"This project is moved to maintenance mode.

Use VK-GL-CTS for development, bug fixes"

Are you sure that's the repository you're using?

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