Hi Zhongmin,

Thanks for the update. Please see my comments inline.

On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 12:08 PM, Zhongmin Wu <zhongmin...@intel.com> wrote:
> Before we queued the buffer with a invalid fence (-1), it will
> make some benchmarks failed to test such as flatland.
> Now we get the out fence during the flushing buffer and then pass
> it to SurfaceFlinger in eglSwapbuffer function.
> v2: a) Also implement the fence in cancelBuffer.
>     b) The last sync fence is stored in drawable object
>            rather than brw context.
>     c) format clear.
> v3: a) Save the last fence fd in DRI Context object.
>     b) Return the last fence if the batch buffer is empty and
>        nothing to be flushed when _intel_batchbuffer_flush_fence
>     c) Add the new interface in vbtl to set the retrieve fence
> v3.1 a) close fd in the new vbtl interface on none Android platform
> v4: a) The last fence is saved in brw context.
>     b) The retrieve fd is for all the platform but not just Android
>     c) Add a uniform dri2 interface to initialize the surface.
> v4.1: a) make some changes of variable name.
>       b) the patch is breaked into two patches.
> Change-Id: Ided54d2e193cde73a6f0feb36ac1c0056e4958f2
> Signed-off-by: Zhongmin Wu <zhongmin...@intel.com>
> ---
>  src/egl/drivers/dri2/egl_dri2.c             |   45 
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  src/egl/drivers/dri2/egl_dri2.h             |    5 +++
>  src/egl/drivers/dri2/platform_android.c     |   11 ++++---
>  src/egl/drivers/dri2/platform_drm.c         |    2 +-
>  src/egl/drivers/dri2/platform_surfaceless.c |    2 +-
>  src/egl/drivers/dri2/platform_wayland.c     |    2 +-
>  src/egl/drivers/dri2/platform_x11.c         |    2 +-
>  src/egl/drivers/dri2/platform_x11_dri3.c    |    2 +-
>  8 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/src/egl/drivers/dri2/egl_dri2.c b/src/egl/drivers/dri2/egl_dri2.c
> index 020a0bc..df4e934 100644
> --- a/src/egl/drivers/dri2/egl_dri2.c
> +++ b/src/egl/drivers/dri2/egl_dri2.c
> @@ -1307,6 +1307,25 @@ dri2_destroy_context(_EGLDriver *drv, _EGLDisplay 
> *disp, _EGLContext *ctx)
>     return EGL_TRUE;
>  }
> +EGLBoolean
> +dri2_surf_init(_EGLSurface *surf, _EGLDisplay *dpy, EGLint type,
> +        _EGLConfig *conf, const EGLint *attrib_list)
> +{
> +   struct dri2_egl_surface *dri2_surf = dri2_egl_surface(surf);
> +   dri2_surf->out_fence_fd = -1;
> +   return _eglInitSurface(surf, dpy, type, conf, attrib_list);
> +}
> +
> +static void
> +dri2_surface_set_retrieve_fence( _EGLSurface *surf, int fence_fd)

I think you forgot to rename this function too. (dri2_surface_set_out_fence).

> +{
> +   struct dri2_egl_surface *dri2_surf = dri2_egl_surface(surf);
> +   if (dri2_surf->out_fence_fd >=0)
> +      close(dri2_surf->out_fence_fd);
> +
> +   dri2_surf->out_fence_fd = fence_fd;
> +}
> +
>  static EGLBoolean
>  dri2_destroy_surface(_EGLDriver *drv, _EGLDisplay *dpy, _EGLSurface *surf)
>  {
> @@ -1315,9 +1334,26 @@ dri2_destroy_surface(_EGLDriver *drv, _EGLDisplay 
> *dpy, _EGLSurface *surf)
>     if (!_eglPutSurface(surf))
>        return EGL_TRUE;
> +   dri2_surface_set_retrieve_fence(surf, -1);

Hmm, if we set it here, we would end up with the ->destroy_surface()
callback seeing -1 as the fence FD. For Android that would mean that
cancel_buffer() is called without a fence.

What I had in my mind was adding a dri2_surf_destroy() function that
would be called by platform backends before freeing the surf struct
(analogically to dri2_surf_init() after allocating the struct).

>     return dri2_dpy->vtbl->destroy_surface(drv, dpy, surf);
>  }

Other than the above, I think this looks reasonably.

However, depending on how costly inserting a fence is (I think it
might mean flushing a command buffer on some platforms) we might need
a mechanism for the platform backend to opt-in for fences, i.e. tell
the dri2 core code that it's interested in them, rather than
requesting them by default. I'd like to hear more opinions on this,

Best regards,
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