On 12/23/2011 05:38 PM, Gaetan Nadon wrote:
> On 11-12-23 08:09 PM, Matt Turner wrote:
>> On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 8:06 PM, Kenneth Graunke
> <kenn...@whitecape.org> wrote:
>>> On 12/23/2011 04:21 PM, Matt Turner wrote:
>>>> ---
>>>> configure.ac | 2 +-
>>>> 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
>>>> index c0d6882..0d75353 100644
>>>> --- a/configure.ac
>>>> +++ b/configure.ac
>>>> @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
>>>> dnl Process this file with autoconf to create configure.
>>>> -AC_PREREQ([2.59])
>>>> +AC_PREREQ([2.60])
>>>> dnl Versioning - scrape the version from configs/default
>>>> m4_define([mesa_version],
>>> I'm not opposed to this, but presumably you had some reason for doing
>>> it. Care to explain in the commit message?
>> Truthfully, I do not know. Gaetan said it should be so when I sent the
>> my first iteration of the automake patch back in September:
> All xorg modules require minimum 2.60 (2006). Given mesa is usually
> compiled from source, it makes sense to align this version with xorg. If
> mesa is compiled by itself or with projects other than xorg which
> require an older version of autoconf, then it can remain at 2.59 (2003),
> provided that someone can test that it really does configure at that
> level. I doubt very much as there were big changes during this three
> year gap.
> Note than autoconf and automake come as a "range of pairs". Some later
> versions of automake will not install if autoconf is too old. If the
> code uses features from a later version of automake, the code won't
> build with older version of automake. So the version of automake also
> influences the level of autoconf needed.
> All  builds are done with much more recent versions of autoconf. When
> the older version ceases to work because the code uses new autoconf
> features, no one notices. That's my assumption.
> I try to document these things here:
> http://www.x.org/wiki/NewModuleGuidelines#configure.ac
>> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/mesa-dev/2011-September/012656.html
>> Matt

Consider me convinced. :)  Thanks for the explanation, Gaetan.
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