On 07/03/2017 09:57 AM, Charmaine Lee wrote:

From: Brian Paul <bri...@vmware.com>
Sent: Sunday, July 2, 2017 8:12 AM
To: mesa-dev@lists.freedesktop.org
Cc: Charmaine Lee
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] svga: fix buffer binding flags initialization

If a buffer is created/initialized with glNamedBufferData we will
have no target (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, etc) >so the
svga_buffer::bind_flags will be zero until we try to get the buffer

This patch initializes the svga_buffer::bind_flags field when it's

This fixes the Piglit arb_uniform_buffer_object-rendering-dsa test.

Note that there's still issues in this area that'll have to be
addressed in the future.  For example, creating a buffer object
as GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER and later using it as a vertex buffer will

Since we are creating two separate host surfaces for such buffer object
when it is used as both constant buffer and vertex buffer, we are
probably missing a surface update when the buffer object is updated.
Which piglit fails?

Piglit seems OK, actually. But I hacked a Mesa demo to setup a VBO using GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER as the initial binding point, the test fails. I'll send it to you. I also want to write a new piglit test to exercise this.


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