On 3 July 2017 at 13:49, Daniel Stone <dan...@fooishbar.org> wrote:
> Hey Emil,
> On 3 July 2017 at 13:36, Emil Velikov <emil.l.veli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Not familiar with the linux-dmabuf protocol - Dan, any ideas if we can
>> "get away" w/o using u_vector?
> What would you suggest instead of u_vector?
> When the client connects, for each format, it will receive a series of
> 'modifier' events, advertising one modifier supported for that format.
> The number of events which will be received for each format is not
> known beforehand. I need to later use these as an array of uint64_t,
> one per format, to hand to the driver in
> DRIImage->createImageWithModifiers(), so the driver can decide which
> modifier to use.
> Given that, what would you use instead? My understanding of u_vector
> vs. u_dynarray is that u_dynarray should be used for dynamic
> grow/shrink, and u_vector pretty much just for append-only. I couldn't
> find anything else except open-coding my own malloc() / realloc() /
> num_elements / array_length implementation, which seemed worse.
Initial train of thought was - there's some guarantee that there won't
be more than X unprocessed events.
In which case one could simply make it a fixed size array and avoid
the (implicit if using u_vector) malloc/realloc.

It sounds like that's not the case, so it's either u_vector or
open-coding it. Whichever you and others are happy with.

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