On 12/16/2011 02:02 PM, Adam Jackson wrote:
On 12/16/11 4:28 PM, Ian Romanick wrote:
On 12/16/2011 12:51 PM, Adam Jackson wrote:
Series looks good. I got a chuckle out of the GLX 1.0 thing, I'm
completely unsurprised that nobody's recently run Mesa against an OpenGL
that didn't support texturing. Just how old of an SGI machine would you
have to find, anyway.

Dunno.. what did they ship in 1992? It looks like GLX 1.2 even was
required to support OpenGL 1.1, and OpenGL 1.1 was released in July 1992.

Crimson Reality Engine was 1993 (if not a bit earlier), and that could
texture. So I suspect the only OpenGL 1.0 implementations were in
specific point releases of IRIX that people would rapidly have upgraded

OpenGL 1.0 had texturing. It just didn't have texture objects. If you wanted more than one texture you had to use display lists.

glNewList(tex0, GL_COMPILE);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ...);
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ...);



That's just as good as encapsulating state in an object, right? :) That's why OpenGL 1.1 came out so quickly after 1.0.

past; therefore, that literally all copies of those binaries have
disappeared from the earth.

- ajax
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