> Nobody has worked on RadeonSI OpenCL for quite some time. Even the
> main developer of R600 and RadeonSI OpenCL (Tom Stellard) was mostly
> working on ROCm when he was at AMD.
>> So far I've found that gl sharing is missing as are some entry points in
>> dispatch.cpp.
> ROCm OpenCL has interop support with RadeonSI OpenGL. We committed it
> into Mesa when ROCm OpenCL was still closed source. I think it can
> also be used to pass VDPAU surfaces through OpenGL into OpenCL that
> way. It's pretty flexible.
I'm not sure my machine can handle ROCm due to the PCIe intrisics.
>> 1) Would it be worth continuting and if so would we be allowed to shared
>> clc files from ROCm to Mesa?
>> 2) If not, is it worth considering porting Beignet instead, that at
>> least gives OpenCL 2.0.
> Clover and its driver backends are unmaintained and there is no
> production quality Mesa OpenCL driver. If you are interested in
> working on it, feel free, but if you upgrade to a ROCm-capable
> machine, you might lose interest.
I'm not going to upgrading for another year, I want to wait it out.

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