From: Marek Olšák <>

Only harvested Stoney has 2 CUs, but I couldn't test that and the bug
reporter hasn't tested it on Stoney yet. However, I reproduced the hang
on Fiji limited to 2 CUs per SE, which is how I was able to fix it.

Cc: 17.0 17.1 <>
 src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_state_draw.c | 6 +++++-
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_state_draw.c 
index 8651592..77df643 100644
--- a/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_state_draw.c
+++ b/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_state_draw.c
@@ -162,22 +162,26 @@ static void si_emit_derived_tess_state(struct si_context 
        output_patch_size = pervertex_output_patch_size + num_tcs_patch_outputs 
* 16;
        /* Ensure that we only need one wave per SIMD so we don't need to check
         * resource usage. Also ensures that the number of tcs in and out
         * vertices per threadgroup are at most 256.
        *num_patches = 64 / MAX2(num_tcs_input_cp, num_tcs_output_cp) * 4;
        /* Make sure that the data fits in LDS. This assumes the shaders only
         * use LDS for the inputs and outputs.
+        *
+        * While CIK can use 64K per threadgroup, there is a hang on Stoney
+        * with 2 CUs if we use more than 32K. The closed Vulkan driver also
+        * uses 32K at most on all GCN chips.
-       hardware_lds_size = sctx->b.chip_class >= CIK ? 65536 : 32768;
+       hardware_lds_size = 32768;
        *num_patches = MIN2(*num_patches, hardware_lds_size / (input_patch_size 
        /* Make sure the output data fits in the offchip buffer */
        *num_patches = MIN2(*num_patches,
                            (sctx->screen->tess_offchip_block_dw_size * 4) /
        /* Not necessary for correctness, but improves performance. The
         * specific value is taken from the proprietary driver.

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