On 05/15/2017 06:52 PM, John Brooks wrote:
On 2017-05-15 06:04 PM, Ian Romanick wrote:
On 05/12/2017 06:39 AM, John Brooks wrote:
Since release, Dying Light and Dead Island Definitive Edition have been broken on Mesa, producing at best only a black screen after loading. I found that the root of the problem is that their vertex shaders redeclare the GLSL builtin
gl_VertexID, which Mesa's compiler considers to be an error:

     error: `gl_VertexID' redeclared
Sorry for not responding to this sooner.  I've been away for the last
few weeks.

I believe that we enforce this as the result of a conformance test that
does almost exactly this thing.  We didn't used to enforce it, but after
discussion with Khronos (which I can dig up), we began enforcing it.
This also led to a clarification in the GLSL spec.  Section 3.7
(Identifiers) of the GLSL 4.50 spec says:

    However, as noted in the specification, there are some cases where
    previously declared variables can be redeclared, and predeclared
    "gl_" names are allowed to be redeclared in a shader only for these
    specific purposes. More generally, it is a compile-time error to
    redeclare a variable, including those starting “gl_”.

Redeclaring gl_VertexID is clearly a bug in the game.  Has anyone
reported this to them?

mesa-dev mailing list
I posted this on the Steam forums:

I'll put what I wrote there in a support ticket on support.techland.pl. If we're lucky maybe they'll do something about it, though I'm not terribly optimistic.

John Brooks (Frogging101)

Response to my support ticket:

> Thank you for your feedback, it has been passed to our dev team. Keep in mind
> that some ideas might not be implemented in our game.

So we'll see what happens I guess. Probably good to have this fix on the Mesa
side at least for now, in case they don't end up fixing it.

John Brooks (Frogging101)
mesa-dev mailing list

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