Now that we have nice block iterators, there's no good reason for this
to be off on it's own.  While we're here, we convert to using the NIR
const index getters/setters instead of whacking const_index values
 src/intel/compiler/brw_nir.c | 56 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/intel/compiler/brw_nir.c b/src/intel/compiler/brw_nir.c
index 3c0a7ce..0bc3237 100644
--- a/src/intel/compiler/brw_nir.c
+++ b/src/intel/compiler/brw_nir.c
@@ -97,30 +97,6 @@ add_const_offset_to_base(nir_shader *nir, nir_variable_mode 
 static bool
-remap_vs_attrs(nir_block *block, shader_info *nir_info)
-   nir_foreach_instr(instr, block) {
-      if (instr->type != nir_instr_type_intrinsic)
-         continue;
-      nir_intrinsic_instr *intrin = nir_instr_as_intrinsic(instr);
-      if (intrin->intrinsic == nir_intrinsic_load_input) {
-         /* Attributes come in a contiguous block, ordered by their
-          * gl_vert_attrib value.  That means we can compute the slot
-          * number for an attribute by masking out the enabled attributes
-          * before it and counting the bits.
-          */
-         int attr = intrin->const_index[0];
-         int slot = _mesa_bitcount_64(nir_info->inputs_read &
-                                      BITFIELD64_MASK(attr));
-         intrin->const_index[0] = 4 * slot;
-      }
-   }
-   return true;
-static bool
 remap_inputs_with_vue_map(nir_block *block, const struct brw_vue_map *vue_map)
    nir_foreach_instr(instr, block) {
@@ -277,13 +253,33 @@ brw_nir_lower_vs_inputs(nir_shader *nir,
    brw_nir_apply_attribute_workarounds(nir, use_legacy_snorm_formula,
-   if (is_scalar) {
-      /* Finally, translate VERT_ATTRIB_* values into the actual registers. */
+   /* The last step is to remap VERT_ATTRIB_* to actual registers and we only
+    * do that for scalar shaders at the moment.
+    */
+   if (!is_scalar)
+      return;
-      nir_foreach_function(function, nir) {
-         if (function->impl) {
-            nir_foreach_block(block, function->impl) {
-               remap_vs_attrs(block, nir->info);
+   nir_foreach_function(function, nir) {
+      if (!function->impl)
+         continue;
+      nir_foreach_block(block, function->impl) {
+         nir_foreach_instr(instr, block) {
+            if (instr->type != nir_instr_type_intrinsic)
+               continue;
+            nir_intrinsic_instr *intrin = nir_instr_as_intrinsic(instr);
+            if (intrin->intrinsic == nir_intrinsic_load_input) {
+               /* Attributes come in a contiguous block, ordered by their
+                * gl_vert_attrib value.  That means we can compute the slot
+                * number for an attribute by masking out the enabled attributes
+                * before it and counting the bits.
+                */
+               int attr = nir_intrinsic_base(intrin);
+               int slot = _mesa_bitcount_64(nir->info->inputs_read &
+                                            BITFIELD64_MASK(attr));
+               nir_intrinsic_set_base(intrin, 4 * slot);

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