Eric Anholt <> writes:

> [ Unknown signature status ]
> Timothy Arceri <> writes:
>> ---
>> +_mesa_UseProgramStages_no_error(GLuint pipeline, GLbitfield stages,
>> +                                GLuint prog)
>> +{
>> +
>> +   struct gl_pipeline_object *pipe =
>> +      _mesa_lookup_pipeline_object(ctx, pipeline);
>> +   struct gl_shader_program *shProg = NULL;
>> +
>> +   if (prog)
>> +      _mesa_lookup_shader_program(ctx, prog);
>> +
>> +   /* Object is created by any Pipeline call but glGenProgramPipelines,
>> +    * glIsProgramPipeline and GetProgramPipelineInfoLog
>> +    */
>> +   pipe->EverBound = GL_TRUE;
>> +
>> +   use_program_stages(ctx, shProg, stages, pipe);
>> +}
> Does EverBound need to be set before the validation in the other path?
> Wondering if we can just move EverBound setting to use_program_stages().

That said, it fits with the pattern of the other no_error functions in
the file, so either way, patches 1-4 and 6 are:

Reviewed-by: Eric Anholt <>

Patch 5 I'm kind of ambivalent -- I like having the compile paths for
debug and non-debug as close as possible, and have compiler
optimizations removing the debug code.  I don't know of a good way to do
that when we have DEBUG #defined or #undef, rather than true or false,

Patch 7, I had the same response to the macro as others.

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