Patches 8 - 14:

Reviewed-by: Nicolai Hähnle <>

On 01.05.2017 14:53, Marek Olšák wrote:
From: Marek Olšák <>

 src/mesa/state_tracker/st_atom_array.c | 18 ++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_atom_array.c 
index f873460..cc9cac1 100644
--- a/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_atom_array.c
+++ b/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_atom_array.c
@@ -293,25 +293,23 @@ st_pipe_vertex_format(GLenum type, GLuint size, GLenum 

    index = integer*2 + normalized;
    assert(index <= 2);
    assert(type >= GL_BYTE && type <= GL_FIXED);
    return vertex_formats[type - GL_BYTE][index][size-1];

 static const struct gl_vertex_array *
-get_client_array(const struct st_vertex_program *vp,
-                 const struct gl_vertex_array **arrays,
-                 int attr)
+get_client_array(const struct gl_vertex_array **arrays,
+                 unsigned mesaAttr)
-   const GLuint mesaAttr = vp->index_to_input[attr];
    /* st_program uses 0xffffffff to denote a double placeholder attribute */
       return NULL;
    return arrays[mesaAttr];

  * Examine the active arrays to determine if we have interleaved
  * vertex arrays all living in one VBO, or all living in user space.
@@ -324,21 +322,21 @@ is_interleaved_arrays(const struct st_vertex_program *vp,
    const struct gl_buffer_object *firstBufObj = NULL;
    GLint firstStride = -1;
    const GLubyte *firstPtr = NULL;
    GLboolean userSpaceBuffer = GL_FALSE;

    for (attr = 0; attr < num_inputs; attr++) {
       const struct gl_vertex_array *array;
       const struct gl_buffer_object *bufObj;
       GLsizei stride;

-      array = get_client_array(vp, arrays, attr);
+      array = get_client_array(arrays, vp->index_to_input[attr]);
       if (!array)

       stride = array->StrideB; /* in bytes */
       bufObj = array->BufferObj;
       if (attr == 0) {
          /* save info about the first array */
          firstStride = stride;
          firstPtr = array->Ptr;
          firstBufObj = bufObj;
@@ -460,35 +458,35 @@ setup_interleaved_attribs(struct st_context *st,
    GLboolean usingVBO;      /* all arrays in a VBO? */
    struct gl_buffer_object *bufobj;
    GLsizei stride;

    /* Find the lowest address of the arrays we're drawing,
     * Init bufobj and stride.
    if (num_inputs) {
       const struct gl_vertex_array *array;

-      array = get_client_array(vp, arrays, 0);
+      array = get_client_array(arrays, vp->index_to_input[0]);

       /* Since we're doing interleaved arrays, we know there'll be at most
        * one buffer object and the stride will be the same for all arrays.
        * Grab them now.
       bufobj = array->BufferObj;
       stride = array->StrideB;

       low_addr = arrays[vp->index_to_input[0]]->Ptr;

       for (attr = 1; attr < num_inputs; attr++) {
          const GLubyte *start;
-         array = get_client_array(vp, arrays, attr);
+         array = get_client_array(arrays, vp->index_to_input[attr]);
          if (!array)
          start = array->Ptr;
          low_addr = MIN2(low_addr, start);
    else {
       /* not sure we'll ever have zero inputs, but play it safe */
       bufobj = NULL;
       stride = 0;
@@ -496,21 +494,21 @@ setup_interleaved_attribs(struct st_context *st,

    /* are the arrays in user space? */
    usingVBO = _mesa_is_bufferobj(bufobj);

    for (attr = 0; attr < num_inputs;) {
       const struct gl_vertex_array *array;
       unsigned src_offset;
       unsigned src_format;

-      array = get_client_array(vp, arrays, attr);
+      array = get_client_array(arrays, vp->index_to_input[attr]);

       src_offset = (unsigned) (array->Ptr - low_addr);
       assert(array->_ElementSize ==
              _mesa_bytes_per_vertex_attrib(array->Size, array->Type));

       src_format = st_pipe_vertex_format(array->Type,
@@ -569,28 +567,28 @@ setup_non_interleaved_attribs(struct st_context *st,
                               const struct gl_vertex_array **arrays,
                               unsigned num_inputs)
    struct gl_context *ctx = st->ctx;
    struct pipe_vertex_buffer vbuffer[PIPE_MAX_ATTRIBS];
    struct pipe_vertex_element velements[PIPE_MAX_ATTRIBS] = {{0}};
    unsigned num_vbuffers = 0;
    GLuint attr;

    for (attr = 0; attr < num_inputs;) {
-      const GLuint mesaAttr = vp->index_to_input[attr];
+      const unsigned mesaAttr = vp->index_to_input[attr];
       const struct gl_vertex_array *array;
       struct gl_buffer_object *bufobj;
       GLsizei stride;
       unsigned src_format;
       unsigned bufidx;

-      array = get_client_array(vp, arrays, attr);
+      array = get_client_array(arrays, mesaAttr);

       bufidx = num_vbuffers++;

       stride = array->StrideB;
       bufobj = array->BufferObj;
       assert(array->_ElementSize ==
              _mesa_bytes_per_vertex_attrib(array->Size, array->Type));

       if (_mesa_is_bufferobj(bufobj)) {

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