Hi Tapani,

Sure, I can share them, but they are QNX based. And as far as I remember it
was an issue in the past :)

I think the simplest way for you is to add following calls to function


   if (!eglMakeCurrent(_eglut->dpy, win->surface, win->surface, win->context))
      _eglutFatal("failed to make window current");


   if (!eglMakeCurrent(_eglut->dpy, win->surface, win->surface, win->context))
      _eglutFatal("failed to make window current");

   eglDestroySurface(_eglut->dpy, win->surface);

   eglDestroyContext(_eglut->dpy, win->context);

And then run GLES 1.x gears for example. According to EGL specification,
these Destroy calls should be delayed till surface and context is not
current in any thread. Perhaps I understand specification too literally,
that's why I'm asking rather than reporting it as a bug.

Thank you!

On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 2:09 AM, Tapani Pälli <tapani.pa...@intel.com>

> On 04/25/2017 10:20 PM, Mike Gorchak wrote:
> Hi all,
> During a quick tests of latest Mesa3D versions at different branches 12.x,
> 13.x, 17.x we have found that deferred context and surface destroy doesn't
> work properly.
> What kind of test case are you using, could you share this?
> According to docs:
> https://www.khronos.org/registry/EGL/sdk/docs/man/
> html/eglDestroySurface.xhtml
> Description
> If the EGL surface is not current to any thread, eglDestroySurface
> destroys it immediately. Otherwise, surface is destroyed when it becomes
> not current to any thread. Furthermore, resources associated with a pbuffer
> surface are not released until all color buffers of that pbuffer bound to a
> texture object have been released.
> Same for context destroy:
> https://www.khronos.org/registry/EGL/sdk/docs/man/
> html/eglDestroyContext.xhtml
> Description
> If the EGL rendering context is not current to any thread,
> eglDestroyContext destroys it immediately. Otherwise, context is destroyed
> when it becomes not current to any thread.
> Should this behavior be handled at EGL common DRI2 level or DRI2 platform
> driver level or it should be handled by EGL itself? I can see some
> refcounts implemented for EGL surfaces, buteglMakeCurrent seems don't
> increment them for surfaces and contexts.
> Thanks!
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