On 26/04/17 17:40, Samuel Pitoiset wrote:
Nope, I'm pretty sure this allows to declare "out bool foo" in a fragment shader because is_varying_var() only returns TRUE for inputs.

The code below what this patch removes validates frag outputs. That should catch your example.

On 04/26/2017 05:56 AM, Timothy Arceri wrote:
Varying types have already been validated in
apply_type_qualifier_to_variable() by this point.
  src/compiler/glsl/ast_to_hir.cpp | 15 ---------------
  1 file changed, 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/compiler/glsl/ast_to_hir.cpp b/src/compiler/glsl/ast_to_hir.cpp
index 0ae87cb..ef6f6cc 100644
--- a/src/compiler/glsl/ast_to_hir.cpp
+++ b/src/compiler/glsl/ast_to_hir.cpp
@@ -5028,35 +5028,20 @@ ast_declarator_list::hir(exec_list *instructions,
           } else if (state->stage == MESA_SHADER_TESS_CTRL ||
                      state->stage == MESA_SHADER_TESS_EVAL) {
              handle_tess_shader_input_decl(state, loc, var);
        } else if (var->data.mode == ir_var_shader_out) {
           const glsl_type *check_type = var->type->without_array();
/* From section 4.3.6 (Output variables) of the GLSL 4.40 spec:
- * It is a compile-time error to declare a vertex, tessellation - * evaluation, tessellation control, or geometry shader output
-          *     that contains any of the following:
-          *
-          *     * A Boolean type (bool, bvec2 ...)
-          *     * An opaque type
-          */
-         if (check_type->is_boolean() || check_type->contains_opaque())
-            _mesa_glsl_error(&loc, state,
-                             "%s shader output cannot have type %s",
-                             _mesa_shader_stage_to_string(state->stage),
-                             check_type->name);
-         /* From section 4.3.6 (Output variables) of the GLSL 4.40 spec:
-          *
* It is a compile-time error to declare a fragment shader output
            *     that contains any of the following:
            *     * A Boolean type (bool, bvec2 ...)
* * A double-precision scalar or vector (double, dvec2 ...)
            *     * An opaque type
            *     * Any matrix type
            *     * A structure
           if (state->stage == MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT) {

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