Am 21.04.2017 12:11, schrieb Marek Olšák:
FWIW, I think this series can land, because glthread is not enabled by
default, and the libX11 issue is unrelated.



For the series:

Tested-by: Dieter Nützel <>

On Turks XT (6670).


On Apr 21, 2017 4:22 AM, "Michel Dänzer" <> wrote:

On 21/04/17 09:01 AM, Marek Olšák wrote:
On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 9:44 PM, gregory hainaut
<> wrote:
On Thu, 20 Apr 2017 20:01:00 +0200
Marek Olšák <> wrote:

On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 6:53 PM, gregory hainaut
<> wrote:
On Thu, 20 Apr 2017 11:57:08 +0200
Marek Olšák <> wrote:

On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 10:28 AM, gregory hainaut
<> wrote:
On Thu, 20 Apr 2017 12:29:11 +0900
Michel Dänzer <> wrote:

On 20/04/17 01:54 AM, Gregory Hainaut wrote:

Please find the latest version that include a small fix for
hash deletion. I
think the series is good now. Please review/ack it.

I'm afraid I have to NACK it. As discussed in the v4 cover
thread, Mesa's glthread cannot make any libX11 API calls.

Hello Michel,

Just to be sure we are on the same line, let's me do a

PCSX2 does the following bad pattern
1/ no call to XInitThread
2/ XGetGeometry to get the size of the surface
3/ glDrawArray into the default framebuffer 0 (the window,
I'm not sure how to call it)
=> which seem to call DRI2GetBuffersWithFormat under the
hood. I guess to get the
associated buffer of the window.

So far it was (kind of) working fine because PCSX2 does tons
of PBO transfer. So glthread
was mostly synchronous.

This series removes the (useless) PBO transfer
synchronization. So now glthread is really
asynchronous and the above bad pattern crash as expected.

I didn't add any libX11 API call on the patches. And I don't
think we can remvove the DRI stuff.

Hum, I don't know what will be the impact on the perf but
potentially we can force a synchronization
when there is a draw to framebuffer 0.

Can you send us the backtrace when DRI2GetBuffersWithFormat is
by glDrawArrays?


Hello Marek, Michel,

Here the full backtrace.

#0  DRI2GetBuffersWithFormat (dpy=0xc6307e48,
drawable=104857784, width=0xdef348c0, height=0xdef348c4,
attachments=0xdcc15c88, count=1, outCount=0xdcc15c74) at dri2.c:464
#1  0xf05bac45 in dri2GetBuffersWithFormat
(driDrawable=0xdef348a8, width=0xdef348c0, height=0xdef348c4,
attachments=0xdcc15c88, count=1, out_count=0xdcc15c74,
loaderPrivate=0xdefc6ef0) at dri2_glx.c:894
#2  0xe3ec3111 in dri2_drawable_get_buffers (count=<synthetic
pointer>, atts=0xdef252f8, drawable=0xdefc7b08) at dri2.c:285
#3  dri2_allocate_textures (ctx=0xdef15928,
drawable=0xdefc7b08, statts=0xdef252f8, statts_count=2) at
#4  0xe3ebcbb0 in dri_st_framebuffer_validate
(stctx=0xdef4ab10, stfbi=0xdefc7b08, statts=0xdef252f8, count=2,
out=0xdcc15d78) at dri_drawable.c:83
#5  0xe3d37afc in st_framebuffer_validate
(stfb=stfb@entry=0xdef24f58, st=st@entry=0xdef4ab10) at
Note "print stfb->Base->Name" give me 0
#6  0xe3d38649 in st_manager_validate_framebuffers
(st=0xdef4ab10) at state_tracker/st_manager.c:869
#7  0xe3cd0580 in st_validate_state (st=0xdef4ab10,
pipeline=ST_PIPELINE_RENDER) at state_tracker/st_atom.c:174
#8  0xe3cf935d in st_draw_vbo (ctx=0xdef7f8f8,
prims=0xdcc15f40, nr_prims=1, ib=0x0, index_bounds_valid=1 '\001',
min_index=39911, max_index=39914, tfb_vertcount=0x0, stream=0,
indirect=0x0) at state_tracker/st_draw.c:191
#9  0xe3caf35e in vbo_draw_arrays (baseInstance=0,
numInstances=1, count=4, start=39911, mode=5, ctx=0xdef7f8f8) at
#10 vbo_exec_DrawArrays (mode=5, start=39911, count=4) at
#11 0xe3be4f07 in _mesa_unmarshal_DrawArrays (ctx=0xdef7f8f8,
cmd=0xc41574b0) at main/marshal_generated.c:26644
#12 _mesa_unmarshal_dispatch_cmd (ctx=0xdef7f8f8,
cmd=0xc41574b0) at main/marshal_generated.c:42457
#13 0xe3ba8af0 in glthread_unmarshal_batch (release_batch=true,
batch=0xc4157410, ctx=0xdef7f8f8) at main/glthread.c:64
#14 glthread_worker (data=0xdef7f8f8) at main/glthread.c:110

If this DRI2GetBuffersWithFormat call results in libX11 API
calls on the
glthread, that's a bug which needs to be fixed, either by
moving the
DRI2GetBuffersWithFormat call to the main thread or (if
possible) by
changing DRI2GetBuffersWithFormat to use XCB directly.

First, we need to understand why it's happening. Does the app
use the
front buffer? Does it ever call glDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT) or

Hello Marek,

No, I don't use the front buffer. I don't call glDrawBuffer for
the FB 0. So I think,
it should use GL_BACK.
Hum except if some 3rparty libs do something in my back.

In case it have any impact, I'm using either glXSwapIntervalEXT
or glXSwapIntervalMESA (if the former wasn't found)
to control Vsync.

If I understand you, you expect that DRI2GetBuffersWithFormat
should haven't be called in the first place ?

It's OK for it to get called. We just have to find a way how to
with it. If that means we have to disable old & slow DRI2 for
glthread, that's fine. The other option is to sync the first draw
rendering to the default framebuffer.

FWIW, I think it should be possible to make DRI2GetBuffersWithFormat
XCB directly.

There is other functionality related to events (window geometry
GLX_INTEL_swap_event, maybe more?) for which DRI2 relies on libX11
specifics and can't use XCB directly. But hopefully that code can
already only run on the main thread.

Earthling Michel Dänzer               |
Libre software enthusiast             |             Mesa and X
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