On Nov 28, 2011, at 6:56 PM, Jakob Bornecrantz wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 3:13 AM, Ian Romanick <i...@freedesktop.org> wrote:
>> All,
>> I'm starting to work on GLX_ARB_create_context.  This extension and the
>> layered GLX_ARB_create_context_profile extension add some GLX protocol.  Is
>> there any reason to keep supporting non-XCB protocol?  Are there any
>> platforms that can't / don't use XCB for X protocol?
>> I'm not planning to gut any non-XCB code yet, but that would happen
>> eventually.  I just don't want to implement all of the protocol twice. That
>> seems like an unnecessary hassle.
>> Opinions?
> No problems with me but I think you should get sign-off from various
> platform stakeholders before doing it (BSD, Mac, Cygwin). Jeremy and
> who does cygwin?

XQuartz transitioned to XCB a few releases ago, and we're fully committed to 
it.  I bless any Xlib code that you want to nuke in the transition to XCB!!

We may have some difficulty in the src/glx/apple code since AppleDRI and 
AppleWM are Xlib-only.  I'm hoping to eventually move away from these 
protocols, and I'll just deal with the fallout as it happens.  Please CC me on 
reviews with a branch I can merge to test the changes before they are merged 
into master.


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