On 21 March 2017 at 19:10, Matt Turner <matts...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 11:56 AM, Emil Velikov <emil.l.veli...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> On 21 March 2017 at 18:06, Matt Turner <matts...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> (1) Non-recursive automake is necessary for parallel build performance
>> Fully agree
>>> (2) Non-recursive automake is intractably unmaintainable for
>>> sufficiently large projects
>> Not sure I agree here. Do the src/intel/Makefile* files, seem unmaintainable 
>> ?
> Not by itself.
> src/intel only accounts for 70 thousand lines of code. Mesa is 1.25 million.
Perfect - I can sort out the ~60 gallium Makefiles which constitutes
in ~half of mesa quite quickly.
As those are sorted I'll look at the more picky ones and ensuring that
the contains remain as trivial as possible.

Will you/anyone be interested in skimming through the patches ?

>> Does it have "dist", "check", "distcheck" or less commonly used
> Our thinking is that by switching to a build system that doesn't
> require large amounts of generated code (configure, Makefile.in, etc),
> we will stop shipping the code generated by the build system in the
> tarballs (which would just be created by git archive). None of that is
> set in stone.
Where can I read-up on the discussion ?

Would be great if we don't bring back the flex/bison/other requirement
for people building from tarballs. Still ... there may be some good
arguments against that.

>> "ctags" "cscope"  targets ?
> I don't know.
>>> And it has momentum: libepoxy already has a Meson build system. Others
>>> in the X.Org community are experimenting with it for libinput, Wayland
>>> and Weston, and the xserver.
>>> All of that makes Meson very compelling.
>> That's the thing - I'm never said that it's _not_ a very compelling project.
>> I'm saying that it's not there yet - mostly due to the list above.
> Perfect. Since no one claimed it's "there yet" there is nothing to
> disagree about.

Ack. In the interim we can make our existing build more performant, right ?

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