Hi Christian,

we use it the following way:
Dependend on the surface NV12 vs. P010 we use:

R8 and GR88

or alternatively:

R16 and GR32

There is also a possibility to use BGRA, but this involves internal copy of
the yuv surfaces in vaapi and is therefore not suited well (more memory and
more load).

For both images Y and UV we use: eglCreateImageKHR extension follow
by glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES.


On the VAAPI side:
or VA_FOURCC_P010 are used.

I think that method is quite generalizable and nothing is intel specific.

What do you think?

Best regards

2017-03-19 14:49 GMT+01:00 Christian König <deathsim...@vodafone.de>:

> Hi Peter,
> Adding Michel and Marek for the Mesa interop side and Harry for the
> display side.
> How do you want us to display the decoded surfaces?
> Well to make a long story short: I don't have the slightest idea. Ideally
> we would of the same handling as Intel so that you guys don't have anything
> vendor dependent in your code.
> The first step would be to get the VA-API DRM extension to work with EGL.
> So that Kodi is able to export the YUV surfaces and import parts of them as
> separate R8/R16 or R8G8/R16G16 surfaces, right?
> What EGL/GL extension do you guys use to import the surfaces? Marek is
> that stuff fully supported, e.g. do we also handle the offsets correctly?
> I've added the backend code for this while doing VDPAU interop, but the
> EGL/GL frontend code needs to handle it gracefully as well.
> The second step is then to teach our DC how to handle RGB surfaces with
> 10bit. I doubt the old code has support for that and we probably don't want
> to add it. So Harry can you comment on how far along we got with that in DC?
> Regards,
> Christian.
> Am 19.03.2017 um 13:26 schrieb Peter Frühberger:
> Hi Christian,
> thank you for your message. We are still wondering about the render part.
> How do you want us to display the decoded surfaces? Looking at mpv it seems
> it will only work via vaPutSurface and is therefore tight to X11. That
> means it's dependend on the visuals 8 bit only.
> We are working on a drm-only kodi and now ask ourselves: Is there a
> possibility to interop with a drm extension and eglCreateImage on AMD hw,
> too? With the intel only R32, R8 linux buf methods we are also running
> succesfully on MIR now, wayland would work the very same.
> Best regards
> Peter
> 2017-03-10 17:25 GMT+01:00 rainer.hochec...@onlinehome.de <
> rainer.hochec...@onlinehome.de>:
>> Hi Christian,
>> I already removed the check for Intel in my dev branch. On startup
>> Kodi does a functional test if vaapi works. If the test passes, it is
>> availalbe
>> regarless of the underlying type of hardware/driver.
>> Regards,
>> Rainer
>> *Gesendet:* Mittwoch, 08. März 2017 um 13:29 Uhr
>> *Von:* "Christian König" <deathsim...@vodafone.de>
>> *An:* mesa-dev@lists.freedesktop.org
>> *Cc:* rainer.hochec...@onlinehome.de, peter.fruehber...@gmail.com
>> *Betreff:* 10bit HEVC decoding for RadeonSI v2
>> Hi guys,
>> I finally found time testing this and hammering out (hopefully) all the
>> remaining bugs. Playing a 10bit HEVC file through VAAPI with mpv/ffmpeg
>> git
>> master from about two days ago now works flawlessly and has only about
>> 15% CPU
>> load on one core on a Kaveri system.
>> The VDPAU path should work as well, but NVidias implementation of this is
>> still
>> completely broken and so nobody enables it and we don't have a way to
>> test it.
>> Rainer/Peter maybe you guys want to take a look and enable it in Kodi.
>> The next logical step is to get our display code paths to be 10bit ready.
>> Please review and comment,
>> Christian.
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