On 15 March 2017 at 13:17, Peter Dolding <oia...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Timothy Arceri tarceri at itsqueeze.com
>> "Assume the world has 7 billion people and every person is a developer.
>>  If every person on Earth adds a new commit every second (our developers  .
>> are assumed to never sleep!). At that rate, mankind would need nothing
>> less than 6.6 million years to produce a number of commits large enough
>> to create a hash collision with 50% probability!
>> In a more realistic scenario, a large project might have 1000 active
>> developers who commit 10 commits per day. In these circumstances, it
>> would take approximately 4×10^17 years for a collision to happen with
>> 50% probability. For comparison, the age of the universe is estimated to
>> be 13.8×10^9 years."
> Sorry I missed this when it was on the Mesa-dev mailing list.

While there may be things of value in your replies I would kindly ask
you [again] to try and keep your replies brief.
If one is to choose between working on a feature/bug and reading a
900+ (word) email I'd imagine they'll choose the former.

I'm saying this for your own good - hopefully you'll consider it as
such and adjust accordingly.

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