Also, you can find most of the gen4-5 XML here:

That should save you some typing. :-)

On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 8:57 AM, Jason Ekstrand <> wrote:

> Lois-Francis,
> Thanks for taking a crack at this!  There are a couple other people (I put
> them in the Cc) who have talked about doing this so thank you for sending
> the announcement!
> My primary request as you dive into this would be that you do things in
> such a way that we can have a fairly tight feedback loop.  I think both Ken
> and myself have a pretty clear idea of what things should look like when
> you're done and I'd like to avoid any chance that you send a 50 patch
> series and then get told to go back through the whole thing and make some
> mechanical change.
> One other comment: look at blorp.  It's already using genxml with the i965
> driver although there's a but of an abstraction layer there.  It should
> give you a decent idea about how to make a brw_emit() macro by combining
> things and removing the abstraction.
> --Jason
> Sent with AquaMail for Android
> On March 3, 2017 6:41:59 AM Louis-Francis Ratté-Boulianne <
>> wrote:
> Hi,
>> As to avoid any duplicate work, I want to inform everyone that I'm in
>> the process of modifying the i965 driver so that it uses the same
>> genxml infrastructure that the one used by the Intel Vulkan driver. The
>> task has been proposed by Jason Ekstrand.
>> I will probably post my first patchset today that will contain the
>> basic call to replace the BEGIN_BATCH/ADVANCE_BATCH macros and the XML
>> specification files for generations 4, 4.5 and 5.
>> Let me know if you have any question or suggestion related to this
>> work.
>> --
>> Louis-Francis Ratté-Boulianne
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