From: Ben Skeggs <>

By treating the rectangles as 1cpp, we can run up against some internal
copy engine limits and trigger a MEM2MEM_RECT_OUT_OF_BOUNDS error check
at launch time.

This commit enables the REMAP hardware, which allows us to specify both
the component size and number of components for a transfer.  We're then
able to pass in the real width/nblocksx values and not hit the limits.

There's a couple of "supported" CPPs in the list that we can't actually
hit, but are there simply because they're possible.

Signed-off-by: Ben Skeggs <>
 src/gallium/drivers/nouveau/nvc0/nvc0_transfer.c | 41 ++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/nouveau/nvc0/nvc0_transfer.c 
index 0b06236b3e..b7e58c686f 100644
--- a/src/gallium/drivers/nouveau/nvc0/nvc0_transfer.c
+++ b/src/gallium/drivers/nouveau/nvc0/nvc0_transfer.c
@@ -112,13 +112,27 @@ nve4_m2mf_transfer_rect(struct nvc0_context *nvc0,
                         const struct nv50_m2mf_rect *src,
                         uint32_t nblocksx, uint32_t nblocksy)
+   static const struct {
+      int cs;
+      int nc;
+   } cpbs[] = {
+      [ 1] = { 1, 1 },
+      [ 2] = { 1, 2 },
+      [ 3] = { 1, 3 },
+      [ 4] = { 1, 4 },
+      [ 6] = { 2, 3 },
+      [ 8] = { 2, 4 },
+      [ 9] = { 3, 3 },
+      [12] = { 3, 4 },
+      [16] = { 4, 4 },
+   };
    struct nouveau_pushbuf *push = nvc0->base.pushbuf;
    struct nouveau_bufctx *bctx = nvc0->bufctx;
    uint32_t exec;
    uint32_t src_base = src->base;
    uint32_t dst_base = dst->base;
-   const int cpp = dst->cpp;
+   assert(dst->cpp < ARRAY_SIZE(cbps) && cpbs[dst->cpp].cs);
    assert(dst->cpp == src->cpp);
    nouveau_bufctx_refn(bctx, 0, dst->bo, dst->domain | NOUVEAU_BO_WR);
@@ -126,33 +140,42 @@ nve4_m2mf_transfer_rect(struct nvc0_context *nvc0,
    nouveau_pushbuf_bufctx(push, bctx);
-   exec = 0x200 /* 2D_ENABLE */ | 0x6 /* UNK */;
+   exec = 0x400 /* REMAP_ENABLE */ | 0x200 /* 2D_ENABLE */ | 0x6 /* UNK */;
+   BEGIN_NVC0(push, SUBC_COPY(0x0708), 1);
+   PUSH_DATA (push, (cpbs[dst->cpp].nc - 1) << 24 |
+                    (cpbs[src->cpp].nc - 1) << 20 |
+                    (cpbs[src->cpp].cs - 1) << 16 |
+                    3 << 12 /* DST_W = SRC_W */ |
+                    2 <<  8 /* DST_Z = SRC_Z */ |
+                    1 <<  4 /* DST_Y = SRC_Y */ |
+                    0 <<  0 /* DST_X = SRC_X */);
    if (nouveau_bo_memtype(dst->bo)) {
       BEGIN_NVC0(push, SUBC_COPY(0x070c), 6);
       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1000 | dst->tile_mode);
-      PUSH_DATA (push, dst->pitch);
+      PUSH_DATA (push, dst->width);
       PUSH_DATA (push, dst->height);
       PUSH_DATA (push, dst->depth);
       PUSH_DATA (push, dst->z);
-      PUSH_DATA (push, (dst->y << 16) | (dst->x * cpp));
+      PUSH_DATA (push, (dst->y << 16) | dst->x);
    } else {
-      dst_base += dst->y * dst->pitch + dst->x * cpp;
+      dst_base += dst->y * dst->pitch + dst->x * dst->cpp;
       exec |= 0x100; /* DST_MODE_2D_LINEAR */
    if (nouveau_bo_memtype(src->bo)) {
       BEGIN_NVC0(push, SUBC_COPY(0x0728), 6);
       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1000 | src->tile_mode);
-      PUSH_DATA (push, src->pitch);
+      PUSH_DATA (push, src->width);
       PUSH_DATA (push, src->height);
       PUSH_DATA (push, src->depth);
       PUSH_DATA (push, src->z);
-      PUSH_DATA (push, (src->y << 16) | (src->x * cpp));
+      PUSH_DATA (push, (src->y << 16) | src->x);
    } else {
-      src_base += src->y * src->pitch + src->x * cpp;
+      src_base += src->y * src->pitch + src->x * src->cpp;
       exec |= 0x080; /* SRC_MODE_2D_LINEAR */
@@ -163,7 +186,7 @@ nve4_m2mf_transfer_rect(struct nvc0_context *nvc0,
    PUSH_DATA (push, dst->bo->offset + dst_base);
    PUSH_DATA (push, src->pitch);
    PUSH_DATA (push, dst->pitch);
-   PUSH_DATA (push, nblocksx * cpp);
+   PUSH_DATA (push, nblocksx);
    PUSH_DATA (push, nblocksy);
    BEGIN_NVC0(push, SUBC_COPY(0x0300), 1);

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