On 11/09/2011 08:36 AM, Paul Berry wrote:
I can't help but notice that in the above section, the comment says
"textureProjOffset", but the function declarations say "textureProj".
Is this a bug?  The GLSL spec clearly calls these functions
"textureProjOffset".  130.frag seems to have a similar problem.

Whoops. Seriously, I proof-read this dozens of times. But the power of cut and paste compels me...

Thanks for catching this. I just proof-read all these again and found an issue with textureGradOffset as well. I'll send out follow-on patches.

(Aside: if this is a bug, it makes me worry that these texture lookup
functions aren't very well tested in Piglit.  Maybe I should go write a
bunch of generated tests like I did for operators...)

Worse than that---they're not tested at all.  You would be my hero.
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