This keeps some of Connor's original code.  However, while I was at it,
I updated this very old pass to a bit more modern NIR.
 src/compiler/nir/nir_lower_regs_to_ssa.c | 583 +++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 156 insertions(+), 427 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/compiler/nir/nir_lower_regs_to_ssa.c 
index 74c1961..d7ecd42 100644
--- a/src/compiler/nir/nir_lower_regs_to_ssa.c
+++ b/src/compiler/nir/nir_lower_regs_to_ssa.c
@@ -26,513 +26,242 @@
 #include "nir.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "nir_builder.h"
+#include "nir_phi_builder.h"
+#include "nir_vla.h"
- * Implements the classic to-SSA algorithm described by Cytron et. al. in
- * "Efficiently Computing Static Single Assignment Form and the Control
- * Dependence Graph."
- */
+struct regs_to_ssa_state {
+   nir_shader *shader;
-/* inserts a phi node of the form reg = phi(reg, reg, reg, ...) */
+   struct nir_phi_builder_value **values;
-static void
-insert_trivial_phi(nir_register *reg, nir_block *block, void *mem_ctx)
-   nir_phi_instr *instr = nir_phi_instr_create(mem_ctx);
-   instr->dest.reg.reg = reg;
-   struct set_entry *entry;
-   set_foreach(block->predecessors, entry) {
-      nir_block *pred = (nir_block *) entry->key;
-      nir_phi_src *src = ralloc(instr, nir_phi_src);
-      src->pred = pred;
-      src->src.is_ssa = false;
-      src->src.reg.base_offset = 0;
-      src->src.reg.indirect = NULL;
-      src->src.reg.reg = reg;
-      exec_list_push_tail(&instr->srcs, &src->node);
-   }
-   nir_instr_insert_before_block(block, &instr->instr);
-static void
-insert_phi_nodes(nir_function_impl *impl)
+static bool
+rewrite_src(nir_src *src, void *_state)
-   void *mem_ctx = ralloc_parent(impl);
-   unsigned *work = calloc(impl->num_blocks, sizeof(unsigned));
-   unsigned *has_already = calloc(impl->num_blocks, sizeof(unsigned));
-   /*
-    * Since the work flags already prevent us from inserting a node that has
-    * ever been inserted into W, we don't need to use a set to represent W.
-    * Also, since no block can ever be inserted into W more than once, we know
-    * that the maximum size of W is the number of basic blocks in the
-    * function. So all we need to handle W is an array and a pointer to the
-    * next element to be inserted and the next element to be removed.
-    */
-   nir_block **W = malloc(impl->num_blocks * sizeof(nir_block *));
-   unsigned w_start, w_end;
-   unsigned iter_count = 0;
-   nir_index_blocks(impl);
-   foreach_list_typed(nir_register, reg, node, &impl->registers) {
-      if (reg->num_array_elems != 0)
-         continue;
-      w_start = w_end = 0;
-      iter_count++;
-      nir_foreach_def(dest, reg) {
-         nir_instr *def = dest->reg.parent_instr;
-         if (work[def->block->index] < iter_count)
-            W[w_end++] = def->block;
-         work[def->block->index] = iter_count;
-      }
+   struct regs_to_ssa_state *state = _state;
-      while (w_start != w_end) {
-         nir_block *cur = W[w_start++];
-         struct set_entry *entry;
-         set_foreach(cur->dom_frontier, entry) {
-            nir_block *next = (nir_block *) entry->key;
-            /*
-             * If there's more than one return statement, then the end block
-             * can be a join point for some definitions. However, there are
-             * no instructions in the end block, so nothing would use those
-             * phi nodes. Of course, we couldn't place those phi nodes
-             * anyways due to the restriction of having no instructions in the
-             * end block...
-             */
-            if (next == impl->end_block)
-               continue;
-            if (has_already[next->index] < iter_count) {
-               insert_trivial_phi(reg, next, mem_ctx);
-               has_already[next->index] = iter_count;
-               if (work[next->index] < iter_count) {
-                  work[next->index] = iter_count;
-                  W[w_end++] = next;
-               }
-            }
-         }
-      }
-   }
+   if (src->is_ssa)
+      return true;
-   free(work);
-   free(has_already);
-   free(W);
+   nir_instr *instr = src->parent_instr;
+   nir_register *reg = src->reg.reg;
+   struct nir_phi_builder_value *value = state->values[reg->index];
-typedef struct {
-   nir_ssa_def **stack;
-   int index;
-   unsigned num_defs; /** < used to add indices to debug names */
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-   unsigned stack_size;
-} reg_state;
-typedef struct {
-   reg_state *states;
-   void *mem_ctx;
-   nir_instr *parent_instr;
-   nir_if *parent_if;
-   nir_function_impl *impl;
-   /* map from SSA value -> original register */
-   struct hash_table *ssa_map;
-} rewrite_state;
-static nir_ssa_def *get_ssa_src(nir_register *reg, rewrite_state *state)
-   unsigned index = reg->index;
+   nir_ssa_def *def = nir_phi_builder_value_get_block_def(value, instr->block);
+   nir_instr_rewrite_src(instr, src, nir_src_for_ssa(def));
-   if (state->states[index].index == -1) {
-      /*
-       * We're using an undefined register, create a new undefined SSA value
-       * to preserve the information that this source is undefined
-       */
-      nir_ssa_undef_instr *instr =
-         nir_ssa_undef_instr_create(state->mem_ctx, reg->num_components,
-                                    reg->bit_size);
-      /*
-       * We could just insert the undefined instruction before the instruction
-       * we're rewriting, but we could be rewriting a phi source in which case
-       * we can't do that, so do the next easiest thing - insert it at the
-       * beginning of the program. In the end, it doesn't really matter where
-       * the undefined instructions are because they're going to be ignored
-       * in the backend.
-       */
-      nir_instr_insert_before_cf_list(&state->impl->body, &instr->instr);
-      return &instr->def;
-   }
-   return state->states[index].stack[state->states[index].index];
+   return true;
-static bool
-rewrite_use(nir_src *src, void *_state)
+static void
+rewrite_if_condition(nir_if *nif, struct regs_to_ssa_state *state)
-   rewrite_state *state = (rewrite_state *) _state;
-   if (src->is_ssa)
-      return true;
-   unsigned index = src->reg.reg->index;
-   if (state->states[index].stack == NULL)
-      return true;
+   if (nif->condition.is_ssa)
+      return;
-   nir_ssa_def *def = get_ssa_src(src->reg.reg, state);
-   if (state->parent_instr)
-      nir_instr_rewrite_src(state->parent_instr, src, nir_src_for_ssa(def));
-   else
-      nir_if_rewrite_condition(state->parent_if, nir_src_for_ssa(def));
+   nir_block *block = nir_cf_node_as_block(nir_cf_node_prev(&nif->cf_node));
+   nir_register *reg = nif->condition.reg.reg;
+   struct nir_phi_builder_value *value = state->values[reg->index];
-   return true;
+   nir_ssa_def *def = nir_phi_builder_value_get_block_def(value, block);
+   nir_if_rewrite_condition(nif, nir_src_for_ssa(def));
 static bool
-rewrite_def_forwards(nir_dest *dest, void *_state)
+rewrite_dest(nir_dest *dest, void *_state)
-   rewrite_state *state = (rewrite_state *) _state;
+   struct regs_to_ssa_state *state = _state;
    if (dest->is_ssa)
       return true;
+   nir_instr *instr = dest->reg.parent_instr;
    nir_register *reg = dest->reg.reg;
-   unsigned index = reg->index;
-   if (state->states[index].stack == NULL)
-      return true;
-   char *name = NULL;
-   if (dest->reg.reg->name)
-      name = ralloc_asprintf(state->mem_ctx, "%s_%u", dest->reg.reg->name,
-                             state->states[index].num_defs);
+   struct nir_phi_builder_value *value = state->values[reg->index];
-   nir_ssa_dest_init(state->parent_instr, dest, reg->num_components,
-                     reg->bit_size, name);
-   ralloc_free(name);
-   /* push our SSA destination on the stack */
-   state->states[index].index++;
-   assert(state->states[index].index < state->states[index].stack_size);
-   state->states[index].stack[state->states[index].index] = &dest->ssa;
-   state->states[index].num_defs++;
+   nir_ssa_dest_init(instr, dest, reg->num_components,
+                     reg->bit_size, reg->name);
-   _mesa_hash_table_insert(state->ssa_map, &dest->ssa, reg);
+   nir_phi_builder_value_set_block_def(value, instr->block, &dest->ssa);
    return true;
 static void
-rewrite_alu_instr_forward(nir_alu_instr *instr, rewrite_state *state)
+rewrite_alu_instr(nir_alu_instr *alu, struct regs_to_ssa_state *state)
-   state->parent_instr = &instr->instr;
+   for (unsigned i = 0; i < nir_op_infos[alu->op].num_inputs; i++)
+      rewrite_src(&alu->src[i].src, state);
-   nir_foreach_src(&instr->instr, rewrite_use, state);
-   if (instr->dest.dest.is_ssa)
+   if (alu->dest.dest.is_ssa)
-   nir_register *reg = instr->dest.dest.reg.reg;
-   unsigned index = reg->index;
+   nir_register *reg = alu->dest.dest.reg.reg;
+   struct nir_phi_builder_value *value = state->values[reg->index];
-   if (state->states[index].stack == NULL)
+   unsigned write_mask = alu->dest.write_mask;
+   if (write_mask == (1 << reg->num_components) - 1) {
+      /* This is the simple case where the instruction writes all the
+       * components.  We can handle that the same as any other destination.
+       */
+      rewrite_dest(&alu->dest.dest, state);
+   }
-   unsigned write_mask = instr->dest.write_mask;
-   if (write_mask != (1 << instr->dest.dest.reg.reg->num_components) - 1) {
-      /*
-       * Calculate the number of components the final instruction, which for
-       * per-component things is the number of output components of the
-       * instruction and non-per-component things is the number of enabled
-       * channels in the write mask.
+   /* Calculate the number of components the final instruction, which for
+    * per-component things is the number of output components of the
+    * per-component things is the number of output components of the
+    * instruction and non-per-component things is the number of enabled
+    * channels in the write mask.
+    */
+   unsigned num_components;
+   unsigned vec_swizzle[4] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
+   if (nir_op_infos[alu->op].output_size == 0) {
+      /* Figure out the swizzle we need on the vecN operation and compute
+       * the number of components in the SSA def at the same time.
-      unsigned num_components;
-      if (nir_op_infos[instr->op].output_size == 0) {
-         unsigned temp = (write_mask & 0x5) + ((write_mask >> 1) & 0x5);
-         num_components = (temp & 0x3) + ((temp >> 2) & 0x3);
-      } else {
-         num_components = nir_op_infos[instr->op].output_size;
+      num_components = 0;
+      for (unsigned index = 0; index < 4; index++) {
+         if (write_mask & (1 << index))
+            vec_swizzle[index] = num_components++;
-      char *name = NULL;
-      if (instr->dest.dest.reg.reg->name)
-         name = ralloc_asprintf(state->mem_ctx, "%s_%u",
-                                reg->name, state->states[index].num_defs);
-      instr->dest.write_mask = (1 << num_components) - 1;
-      list_del(&instr->dest.dest.reg.def_link);
-      nir_ssa_dest_init(&instr->instr, &instr->dest.dest, num_components,
-                        reg->bit_size, name);
-      ralloc_free(name);
+      /* When we change the output writemask, we need to change
+       * the swizzles for per-component inputs too
+       */
+      for (unsigned i = 0; i < nir_op_infos[alu->op].num_inputs; i++) {
+         if (nir_op_infos[alu->op].input_sizes[i] != 0)
+            continue;
-      if (nir_op_infos[instr->op].output_size == 0) {
-          * When we change the output writemask, we need to change the
-          * swizzles for per-component inputs too
+          * We keep two indices:
+          * 1. The index of the original (non-SSA) component
+          * 2. The index of the post-SSA, compacted, component
+          *
+          * We need to map the swizzle component at index 1 to the swizzle
+          * component at index 2.  Since index 1 is always larger than
+          * index 2, we can do it in a single loop.
-         for (unsigned i = 0; i < nir_op_infos[instr->op].num_inputs; i++) {
-            if (nir_op_infos[instr->op].input_sizes[i] != 0)
-               continue;
-            unsigned new_swizzle[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
-            /*
-             * We keep two indices:
-             * 1. The index of the original (non-SSA) component
-             * 2. The index of the post-SSA, compacted, component
-             *
-             * We need to map the swizzle component at index 1 to the swizzle
-             * component at index 2.
-             */
-            unsigned ssa_index = 0;
-            for (unsigned index = 0; index < 4; index++) {
-               if (!((write_mask >> index) & 1))
-                  continue;
-               new_swizzle[ssa_index] = instr->src[i].swizzle[index];
-               ssa_index++;
-            }
-            for (unsigned j = 0; j < 4; j++)
-               instr->src[i].swizzle[j] = new_swizzle[j];
-         }
-      }
-      nir_op op;
-      switch (reg->num_components) {
-      case 2: op = nir_op_vec2; break;
-      case 3: op = nir_op_vec3; break;
-      case 4: op = nir_op_vec4; break;
-      default: unreachable("not reached");
-      }
-      nir_alu_instr *vec = nir_alu_instr_create(state->mem_ctx, op);
-      vec->dest.dest.reg.reg = reg;
-      vec->dest.write_mask = (1 << reg->num_components) - 1;
-      nir_ssa_def *old_src = get_ssa_src(reg, state);
-      nir_ssa_def *new_src = &instr->dest.dest.ssa;
+         unsigned ssa_index = 0;
+         for (unsigned index = 0; index < 4; index++) {
+            if (!((write_mask >> index) & 1))
+               continue;
-      unsigned ssa_index = 0;
-      for (unsigned i = 0; i < reg->num_components; i++) {
-         vec->src[i].src.is_ssa = true;
-         if ((write_mask >> i) & 1) {
-            vec->src[i].src.ssa = new_src;
-            if (nir_op_infos[instr->op].output_size == 0)
-               vec->src[i].swizzle[0] = ssa_index;
-            else
-               vec->src[i].swizzle[0] = i;
-            ssa_index++;
-         } else {
-            vec->src[i].src.ssa = old_src;
-            vec->src[i].swizzle[0] = i;
+            alu->src[i].swizzle[ssa_index++] = alu->src[i].swizzle[index];
+         assert(ssa_index == num_components);
-      nir_instr_insert_after(&instr->instr, &vec->instr);
-      state->parent_instr = &vec->instr;
-      rewrite_def_forwards(&vec->dest.dest, state);
    } else {
-      rewrite_def_forwards(&instr->dest.dest, state);
+      num_components = nir_op_infos[alu->op].output_size;
+   }
+   assert(num_components <= 4);
+   alu->dest.write_mask = (1 << num_components) - 1;
+   list_del(&alu->dest.dest.reg.def_link);
+   nir_ssa_dest_init(&alu->instr, &alu->dest.dest, num_components,
+                     reg->bit_size, reg->name);
+   nir_op vecN_op;
+   switch (reg->num_components) {
+   case 2: vecN_op = nir_op_vec2; break;
+   case 3: vecN_op = nir_op_vec3; break;
+   case 4: vecN_op = nir_op_vec4; break;
+   default: unreachable("not reached");
-static void
-rewrite_phi_instr(nir_phi_instr *instr, rewrite_state *state)
-   state->parent_instr = &instr->instr;
-   rewrite_def_forwards(&instr->dest, state);
+   nir_alu_instr *vec = nir_alu_instr_create(state->shader, vecN_op);
-static void
-rewrite_instr_forward(nir_instr *instr, rewrite_state *state)
-   if (instr->type == nir_instr_type_alu) {
-      rewrite_alu_instr_forward(nir_instr_as_alu(instr), state);
-      return;
-   }
+   nir_ssa_def *old_src =
+      nir_phi_builder_value_get_block_def(value, alu->instr.block);
+   nir_ssa_def *new_src = &alu->dest.dest.ssa;
-   if (instr->type == nir_instr_type_phi) {
-      rewrite_phi_instr(nir_instr_as_phi(instr), state);
-      return;
+   for (unsigned i = 0; i < reg->num_components; i++) {
+      if (write_mask & (1 << i)) {
+         vec->src[i].src = nir_src_for_ssa(new_src);
+         vec->src[i].swizzle[0] = vec_swizzle[i];
+      } else {
+         vec->src[i].src = nir_src_for_ssa(old_src);
+         vec->src[i].swizzle[0] = i;
+      }
-   state->parent_instr = instr;
+   nir_ssa_dest_init(&vec->instr, &vec->dest.dest, reg->num_components,
+                     reg->bit_size, reg->name);
+   nir_instr_insert(nir_after_instr(&alu->instr), &vec->instr);
-   nir_foreach_src(instr, rewrite_use, state);
-   nir_foreach_dest(instr, rewrite_def_forwards, state);
+   nir_phi_builder_value_set_block_def(value, alu->instr.block,
+                                       &vec->dest.dest.ssa);
 static void
-rewrite_phi_sources(nir_block *block, nir_block *pred, rewrite_state *state)
-   nir_foreach_instr(instr, block) {
-      if (instr->type != nir_instr_type_phi)
-         break;
-      nir_phi_instr *phi_instr = nir_instr_as_phi(instr);
-      state->parent_instr = instr;
-      nir_foreach_phi_src(src, phi_instr) {
-         if (src->pred == pred) {
-            rewrite_use(&src->src, state);
-            break;
-         }
-      }
-   }
-static bool
-rewrite_def_backwards(nir_dest *dest, void *_state)
+lower_regs_to_ssa_impl(nir_function_impl *impl)
-   rewrite_state *state = (rewrite_state *) _state;
+   if (exec_list_is_empty(&impl->registers))
+      return;
-   if (!dest->is_ssa)
-      return true;
+   nir_metadata_require(impl, nir_metadata_block_index |
+                              nir_metadata_dominance);
+   nir_index_local_regs(impl);
-   struct hash_entry *entry =
-      _mesa_hash_table_search(state->ssa_map, &dest->ssa);
+   struct regs_to_ssa_state state;
+   state.shader = impl->function->shader;
+   state.values = malloc(impl->reg_alloc * sizeof(*state.values));
-   if (!entry)
-      return true;
+   struct nir_phi_builder *phi_build = nir_phi_builder_create(impl);
-   nir_register *reg = (nir_register *) entry->data;
-   unsigned index = reg->index;
+   const unsigned block_set_words = BITSET_WORDS(impl->num_blocks);
+   NIR_VLA(BITSET_WORD, defs, block_set_words);
-   state->states[index].index--;
-   assert(state->states[index].index >= -1);
+   nir_foreach_register(reg, &impl->registers) {
+      /* This only works on "plain" registers */
+      assert(reg->num_array_elems == 0);
+      assert(!reg->is_packed);
-   return true;
+      memset(defs, 0, block_set_words * sizeof(*defs));
-static void
-rewrite_instr_backwards(nir_instr *instr, rewrite_state *state)
-   nir_foreach_dest(instr, rewrite_def_backwards, state);
+      nir_foreach_def(dest, reg)
+         BITSET_SET(defs, dest->reg.parent_instr->block->index);
-static void
-rewrite_block(nir_block *block, rewrite_state *state)
-   /* This will skip over any instructions after the current one, which is
-    * what we want because those instructions (vector gather, conditional
-    * select) will already be in SSA form.
-    */
-   nir_foreach_instr_safe(instr, block) {
-      rewrite_instr_forward(instr, state);
-   }
-   if (block != state->impl->end_block &&
-       !nir_cf_node_is_last(&block->cf_node) &&
-       nir_cf_node_next(&block->cf_node)->type == nir_cf_node_if) {
-      nir_if *if_stmt = nir_cf_node_as_if(nir_cf_node_next(&block->cf_node));
-      state->parent_instr = NULL;
-      state->parent_if = if_stmt;
-      rewrite_use(&if_stmt->condition, state);
+      state.values[reg->index] =
+         nir_phi_builder_add_value(phi_build, reg->num_components,
+                                   reg->bit_size, defs);
-   if (block->successors[0])
-      rewrite_phi_sources(block->successors[0], block, state);
-   if (block->successors[1])
-      rewrite_phi_sources(block->successors[1], block, state);
-   for (unsigned i = 0; i < block->num_dom_children; i++)
-      rewrite_block(block->dom_children[i], state);
+   nir_foreach_block(block, impl) {
+      nir_foreach_instr(instr, block) {
+         if (instr->type == nir_instr_type_alu) {
+            rewrite_alu_instr(nir_instr_as_alu(instr), &state);
+         } else {
+            nir_foreach_src(instr, rewrite_src, &state);
+            nir_foreach_dest(instr, rewrite_dest, &state);
+         }
+      }
-   nir_foreach_instr_reverse(instr, block) {
-      rewrite_instr_backwards(instr, state);
+      nir_if *following_if = nir_block_get_following_if(block);
+      if (following_if)
+         rewrite_if_condition(following_if, &state);
-static void
-remove_unused_regs(nir_function_impl *impl, rewrite_state *state)
-   foreach_list_typed_safe(nir_register, reg, node, &impl->registers) {
-      if (state->states[reg->index].stack != NULL)
-         exec_node_remove(&reg->node);
-   }
+   nir_phi_builder_finish(phi_build);
+   free(state.values);
-static void
-init_rewrite_state(nir_function_impl *impl, rewrite_state *state)
-   state->impl = impl;
-   state->mem_ctx = ralloc_parent(impl);
-   state->ssa_map = _mesa_hash_table_create(NULL, _mesa_hash_pointer,
-                                            _mesa_key_pointer_equal);
-   state->states = rzalloc_array(NULL, reg_state, impl->reg_alloc);
-   foreach_list_typed(nir_register, reg, node, &impl->registers) {
-      assert(reg->index < impl->reg_alloc);
-      if (reg->num_array_elems > 0) {
-         state->states[reg->index].stack = NULL;
-      } else {
-         /*
-          * Calculate a conservative estimate of the stack size based on the
-          * number of definitions there are. Note that this function *must* be
-          * called after phi nodes are inserted so we can count phi node
-          * definitions too.
-          */
-         unsigned stack_size = list_length(&reg->defs);
-         state->states[reg->index].stack = ralloc_array(state->states,
-                                                        nir_ssa_def *,
-                                                        stack_size);
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-         state->states[reg->index].stack_size = stack_size;
-         state->states[reg->index].index = -1;
-         state->states[reg->index].num_defs = 0;
-      }
+   nir_foreach_register(reg, &impl->registers) {
+      assert(list_empty(&reg->uses));
+      assert(list_empty(&reg->if_uses));
+      assert(list_empty(&reg->defs));
-static void
-destroy_rewrite_state(rewrite_state *state)
-   _mesa_hash_table_destroy(state->ssa_map, NULL);
-   ralloc_free(state->states);
-static void
-lower_regs_to_ssa_impl(nir_function_impl *impl)
-   nir_metadata_require(impl, nir_metadata_dominance);
-   insert_phi_nodes(impl);
-   rewrite_state state;
-   init_rewrite_state(impl, &state);
-   rewrite_block(nir_start_block(impl), &state);
-   remove_unused_regs(impl, &state);
-   nir_metadata_preserve(impl, nir_metadata_block_index |
-                               nir_metadata_dominance);
-   destroy_rewrite_state(&state);
+   exec_list_make_empty(&impl->registers);
 nir_lower_regs_to_ssa(nir_shader *shader)
+   assert(exec_list_is_empty(&shader->registers));
    nir_foreach_function(function, shader) {
       if (function->impl)

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