I wrote this code in response to a issue someone on mesa-users had
They didn't reply so I don't know if the patch resolved the issue. Can
someone please determine its usefulness. Also please check if
drmCommandWrite() is the correct function to use. I can't test the
code, I don't have amdgpu.
diff --git a/mesa/src/loader/loader.c b/mesa2/src/loader/loader.c
index 3e60e4c..4a89ba4 100644
--- a/mesa/src/loader/loader.c
+++ b/mesa2/src/loader/loader.c
@@ -515,6 +515,8 @@ sysfs_get_pci_id_for_fd(int fd, int *vendor_id, int 
 #include <i915_drm.h>
 /* for radeon */
 #include <radeon_drm.h>
+/* for amdgpu */
+#include <amdgpu_drm.h>
 static int
 drm_get_pci_id_for_fd(int fd, int *vendor_id, int *chip_id)
@@ -564,6 +566,26 @@ drm_get_pci_id_for_fd(int fd, int *vendor_id, int *chip_id)
         *chip_id = -1;
+   else if (strcmp(version->name, "amdgpu") == 0) {
+      struct drm_amdgpu_info info;
+      struct drm_amdgpu_info_device info_device;
+      int ret;
+      *vendor_id = 0x1002;
+      memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
+      memset(&info_device, 0, sizeof(info_device));
+      info.query = AMDGPU_INFO_DEV_INFO;
+      info.return_pointer = (uint64_t) &info_device;
+      info.return_size = sizeof(struct drm_amdgpu_info_device);
+      ret = drmCommandWrite(fd, DRM_AMDGPU_INFO, &info, sizeof(info));
+      if (ret) {
+         log_(_LOADER_WARNING, "MESA-LOADER: failed to get info for amdgpu\n");
+         *chip_id = -1;
+      } else {
+         *chip_id = info_device.device_id;
+      }
+   }
    else if (strcmp(version->name, "nouveau") == 0) {
       *vendor_id = 0x10de;
       /* not used */
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