Detect when the surface sizes are too large for a blorp blit. When it
is too large, the blorp blit will be split into a smaller operation
and attempted again.

For gen7, this fixes the cts test:


It will also enable us to increase our renderable size from 8k x 8k to
16k x 16k.

Signed-off-by: Jordan Justen <>
 src/intel/blorp/blorp_blit.c | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/intel/blorp/blorp_blit.c b/src/intel/blorp/blorp_blit.c
index 383b64e..90e1c29 100644
--- a/src/intel/blorp/blorp_blit.c
+++ b/src/intel/blorp/blorp_blit.c
@@ -1522,9 +1522,37 @@ dump_blorp_surf(const struct blorp_context *blorp,
 static bool
+can_shrink_surface(const struct brw_blorp_surface_info *surf)
+   return
+      /* The current code doesn't support offsets into the aux buffers. This
+       * should be possible, but we need to make sure the offset is page
+       * aligned for both the surface and the aux buffer surface. Generally
+       * this mean using the page aligned offset for the aux buffer.
+       *
+       * Currently the cases where we must split the blit are limited to cases
+       * where we don't have a aux buffer.
+       */
+      surf->aux_addr.buffer == NULL &&
+      /* We can't support splitting the blit for gen <= 7, because the qpitch
+       * size is calculated by the hardware based on the surface height for
+       * gen <= 7. In gen >= 8, the qpitch is controlled by the driver.
+       */
+      surf->surf.msaa_layout != ISL_MSAA_LAYOUT_ARRAY;
+static bool
 can_shrink_surfaces(const struct blorp_params *params)
-   return false;
+   return
+      can_shrink_surface(&params->src) &&
+      can_shrink_surface(&params->dst);
+static unsigned
+   return 16384;
 struct blt_axis {
@@ -1751,6 +1779,13 @@ try_blorp_blit(struct blorp_batch *batch,
    brw_blorp_get_blit_kernel(batch->blorp, params, wm_prog_key);
    unsigned result = 0;
+   unsigned max_surface_size = get_max_surface_size(devinfo, params);
+   if (params-> > max_surface_size ||
+       params-> > max_surface_size)
+      result |= BLIT_WIDTH_TOO_LARGE;
+   if (params-> > max_surface_size ||
+       params-> > max_surface_size)
+      result |= BLIT_HEIGHT_TOO_LARGE;
    if (result == 0) {
       batch->blorp->exec(batch, params);

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