--- Comment #10 from Emil Velikov <> ---
(In reply to Kyle Brenneman from comment #9)
> > > > - And last but not least - reuse GLVND dispatch. For this we would
> > > > need to
> > > > convince Kyle that can be accessible by vendors and it
> > > > gets
> > > > some ABI stability (note the GLVND libraries in general seem ABI
> > > > unstable).
> > >
> > > We're likely to want libGLdispatch to be stable API anyway, yes. Consider
> > > this bit of discussion:
> > >
> > >
> >
> > I've mentioned a similar thing [1] [2] and it seems that one "has to" go
> > through the winsys library/ies [2].
> >
> > Even convincing to version ended up quite a process [3].
> >
> > My personal favourite: "To clarify: does not have an ABI."
> > Sure it doesn't ... ;-)
> >
> > [1]
> > [2]
> > [3]
> doesn't have an ABI because it has no direct interface *at
> all* to applications or drivers. The entire interface is defined in
> and, including anything that passes through to
> _has_ ABI - that's how and others use it. Sure it's
private, unstable, etc. and that's fine. It is an ABI regardless and ignoring
that won't make it disappear ;-)
> Now, providing more direct control over the dispatch tables is something
> that's come up before. This is the current version of that:
> I don't have a good enough understanding of what Mesa needs out of it to be
> sure if that's sufficient, but if that overall design looks like it would
> work, then I'd be happy to dust it off and get it updated for the current
> EGL and GLX interfaces.
As said a couple of times before (iirc Adam also said it as well) - exposing it
via the winsys is not going to work.
The DRI modules also use the dispatch (due to $reasons) and they are winsys
agnostic. If you're interested in specifics check the following:
$ git grep "\<\(CALL\|SET\)_[A-Z][a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*"
To iterate - we _want_ to make the GLdispatch API/ABI accessible for vendors,
since everyone will benefit from it. This is something that was implicitly
mentioned on the initial design stages/proposal.
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