On Wednesday, October 19, 2016 1:40:39 PM PDT Ian Romanick wrote:
> On 10/19/2016 11:11 AM, Kenneth Graunke wrote:
> > Brian found a bug with my "inline built-ins immediately" code for shaders
> > which use ftransform() and declare gl_Position invariant:
> > 
> > https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/mesa-dev/2016-October/132452.html
> > 
> > Before my patch, things worked due to a specific order of operations:
> > 
> > 1. link_intrastage_varyings imported the ftransform function into the VS
> > 2. cross_validate_uniforms() ran and signed off that everything matched
> > 3. do_common_optimization did both inlining and invariance propagation,
> >    making the VS/FS versions of gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix have
> >    different invariant qualifiers...but after the check in step 2,
> >    so we never raised an error.
> > 
> > After my patch, ftransform() is inlined right away, and at compile time,
> > do_common_optimization propagates the invariant qualifier to the
> > gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix.  When the linker eventually happens, it
> > detects the mismatch.
> Why are we marking a uniform as invariant in the first place?  That
> sounds boats.

I agree.  Propagating invariant/precise to ir_variables used in
expressions is pretty bogus.  We should really track this with an
ir_expression::exact flag similar to NIR's "exact" flag on ALU
expressions.  I don't recall why it was done this way.

I've hit problems with invariant on uniforms before.  I tried not
propagating it to uniforms back in the day and Curro convinced me
it was wrong and would break things.

This is a hack - it fixes some cases, but won't fix them all.
Not propagating to uniforms will fix some cases, but I think it
breaks others.  I don't think we have tests for those cases.


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